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Discrete System Modeling and Simulation A glimpse of the nano-word School of electronic information engineering nano-word:纳米世界 overview The concept of the nanometer nanowire nanogenerator nanorobot nanowire:纳米线 nanogenerator:纳米发电机 nanorobot:纳米机器人 A nanometer is a unit of spatial measurement ,it is commonly used in nanotechnology,the building of extremely small machines spatial:空间的 Atomic force microscopy?(AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very high-resolution type of?scanning probe microscopy resolution:分辨率probe:探针 A?scanning electron microscope?(SEM) is a type of electron microscope?that images a sample by scanning it with a beam of electrons?in a raster pattern raster:光栅 Three-dimensionally rendered STM image of manipulated Xe atoms on a Ni(110) surface spelling IBM.Each letter is 5nm from top to bottom.The STM was operated at liquid He temperatures. The smallest advertisement dimensionally:在幅度上 rendered:已渲染的 manipulate:操纵 SEM?image of Silicon nanowire made by using Silane as precursor and gold nanoparticle as catalyst Silicon Nanowire Over the last few decades, research interest in the study of nanomaterials and their applications has been increasing because these materials often demonstrate very different properties at the nanoscale level as compared to those at the macro level silane:硅烷 catalyst:催化剂 nanomaterial:纳米材料 nanoscale:纳米范围 macro:巨大的 Nanogenerator?is an?energy harvesting device converting the external kinetic energy into an electrical energy based on the energy conversion by nano-structured?piezoelectric material piezoelectric:压电的 kinetic:运动的 Dr Zhong Lin Wang of Georgia Universitys Nano Research Group developed the flexible jackets, which are fitted with wires plugged into a nanogenerator that produces energy when they are bent and stretched. In tests one hamster produced small amounts of AC power around one twentieth of the output of an AA battery imagine going to the?doctor?to get treatment for


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