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高中化学概念图教学的研究与实践 东莞市第七高级中学 吴浩堂 摘要 当下知识更新的速度日益加快,要求人们要拥有收集、处理信息,分析、处理问题和掌握知识的能力。教育课程改革的具体目标:从改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,向强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使学生获得基础知识与基本技能的同时重视学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。这就要求学生重视知识的建构,从传统的接受式学习方式转变为乐于探究、交流合作、主动构建知识为特征的学习方式。概念图这种具有表征、检查、修正、完善知识的认知工具,充分符合和满足改革的需要。 本论文首先阐明了高中化学概念图教学研究的历史和现状,以及本课题研究的意义。其次,界定了概念图教学的相关概念。再次,介绍了概念图教学研究的理论基础。接着是结合具体教学案例进行教学设计与课堂教学实践,并进行效果分析。最后,是研究的结论与展望。 关键词:高中化学,概念图,知识建构,教学实践,教学案例 Research and Practice of Concept Maps teaching in Senior Chemistry Haotang Wu Abstract The current pace of knowledge updates so quickly which requires people to have the ability to collect, processing information and analyze, deal with the problem and the mastery of knowledge. The specific objectives of the education curriculum reform:to change course that make too much tendency focus on the knowledge, form the formation of active learning attitude and get the process of the basic knowledge and basic skills at the same time with developing the process of learning and forming the correct values, which requires students to attach the importance of constructing knowledge, learning styles, learning from the traditional acceptance into willing to explore, exchange and cooperation, and take the initiative to build knowledge for learning. Concept map is such a characterization, inspection, correction and perfect knowledge of the cognitive tool to fully meet the needs of the reform. This thesis firstly expounds the history and current situation of high school chemistry concept map of teaching and research, as well as the significance of the research. Secondly, the concepts of the concept map teaching are defined. Furthermore, the theoretical foundation of the concept map teaching and research are introduced. Then, combine with the use of instructional design and classroom teaching practices used by specific teaching cases and effect analysis. Finally, study's conclusions and prospects are introduced. Keywords: senior chemistry, concept map, knowledge construction, teaching practic


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