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社区教育与学校教育整合的现状与思考 中文摘要 步入21世纪,我国经济取得了迅速的发展,伴随着经济的的发展,教育也得到快速发展。社区教育是在人类社会实践活动中产生的,社区教育就是一种教育活动。社区教育与学校教育的整合有利于终身教育体系的形成,有利于实现教育目的。 社区教育与学校教育的整合目前处于起步阶段,教育者多为学校老师,学生,受教育者是社区居民。社区教育与学校教育的整合促进了新的教育理念的形成,有利于学校教育的发展,带动当地经济发展,同时为今后社区教育发展提供经验。同时也存在一系列问题:政府的重视不足,教育经费不足,教育者自身素质有待提高,管理不到位。针对这些问题,提出思考。主要是探究各种问题产生的原因,对于目前存在的问题提出的建议:政府要提高重视程度,加大经费投入。动员社区居民参加到社区教育中,形成人人参加社区教育与学校教育的整合。 关键词:社区教育;学校教育;整合 Community Education and School Education Integration and the Status of the Thinking Abstract Into the 21 century, our countrys economy has developed rapidly, along with the development of economy, education also get fast development. The community education is the human social practice activities of generation, community education is a kind of education activities. The community education and school education of lifelong education system to integrate the form, which is helpful to realize the education purpose. The community education and school education integration at present at the beginning stage, many educators for school teacher, student, pedagogue is community residents. The community education and school education to promote the integration of the new education idea formation, help the school education development, the development of local economic development, and for the future development of community education to provide experience. Also there are a series of problems: the governments attention is insufficient, education funds inadequacy, educators to improve their own quality, management is not in place. Aiming at these problems, this paper puts forward thinking. It explores the main problems of the cause and for the existing problems in the advice: the government should improve attention, increase the funds investment. Mobilize the community residents to participate in community education, which all of the community education and school education integration. Keyword: Community education; the school education; integration 目录 前言 1 (一)研究意义 1 (二)概念的界定:社区教育


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