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摘 要 在社会主义市场经济已初步建立,经济迅猛发展,国力日增,民生日进的今 天。民事审判对平等保护民事主体的合法权益,制裁各种违约侵权行为,有效调 节财产流转关系,维护经济社会规范有序发展有着极为重要的意义。 从目前我国的民事司法实践来看,民事诉讼一审与上诉审的运行受诸多因素 的影响而难以发挥其立法的初衷,并影响到了民事审判工作职能的发挥,从而不 利于人们形成良好的法治观念,不利于社会经济的健康有序发展,阻碍了全社会 的法治进程。 因此,建议对现行民事诉讼一审与上诉审的关系在立法上进行重整,以确保 一审程序、上诉审程序乃至于再审程序的科学设置,调整好各个民事诉讼程序之 间的关系,使之有机统一,并相互良性运转。即建立三审终审制,高级以上法院 不再受理一审案件,且一审与二审进行事实审与法律审,三审仅进行法律审;同 时限制再审程序,将再审案件的管辖法院定为高级以上法院,并实行一审终结制。 关键词:民事诉讼;一审;上诉审;关系 I ABSTRACT With the establishment of Chinas socialist market economic mechanism, the rapid development of national economy, the improvement of overall national strength and the increasing of Chinese peoples living standards, civil trials are of great significance in protecting civil parties’ lawful rights, in cracking down on different illegal actions, in effectively adjusting property flow relations, in supporting the orderly progress of economic and social norms. In terms of current actual judicial practices, the functions of civil suits at the first instance and at the second trial can not reflect the original intention of such legislations due to various factors, as well as influence the exertions of civil jurisdictions, accordingly, it is not conducive to the cultivation of public legal opinions, going against the logical development of healthy social economy, obstructing the progress of ‘the rule of law’. Therefore, it is suggested that to reorganize the relations between the first instance and the appeal procedure in legislative aspect, which can insure the scientific setting of the first instance, the appeal trial and even the retrial procedure, make the relations of every civil trial to


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