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题目:谈李开先的《中麓画品》 内容摘要: 李开先(1502~1568)是明中叶著名的文学家、收藏家和鉴赏家,并撰有《中麓画品》 一册。 《中麓画品》乃绘画品评著作,全书分为画品五篇。所品评的画家,上起明初下至嘉 靖(1522~1566)年间,是一部断代的画品著作。此书品评方法出于著者自创。第一篇论各 家梗概,采用比喻性的言词,就诸家艺术品格进行论评,寓褒贬于其中。第二篇以“六要” 综括各家之长,以“四病”指摘诸家之短。第三篇搜罗各家的尺寸之长,使无遗漏。第四篇 以类相从,区分各家为六等,但各等内不再加以高下之分。第五篇追溯各家的艺术渊源,并 有所评论。 本文从《中麓画品》成书原因、品评标准、特点、意义等方面来分析此书。来说明此书 在美术史上的重要地位。 关键词: 浙派;吴门画派;风格;绘画品评 Discourse the drawing theory and of Li Kaixian Li Mengmeng(Art theory) Directed by Professor Wang Zhende Abstract: Li Kaixian (1502-1568), famous litterateur, collector and connoisseur in the middle period of Ming dynasty. 《Zhong Lu Drawing Appreciation》was one of his literatures. There are 5 chapters of 《Zhong Lu Drawing Appreciation》. The artists who appreciated were since early period to Jia Jing period (1522-1566) of Ming. It is drawing theory literature focus on one dynasty. The evaluated method in this book was created by the author himself. Chapter one is brief introduction of each artist, use the metaphorical words to evaluate their art style. Give the prize or criticism to them. Chapter two summarize their excellences with “six strongpoint” and shortcomings with “four sick” evaluated method. Chapter three lists the good at subjects for each artist. Chapter four divides the artists into 6 levels. But no grading different is in the same level. Chapter five introduces the learning source of each artist and evaluates their production. This article analyses Zhong Lu Drawing Appreciation from writing reason, evaluated standards, characteristic and significance sides to prove its important status in the art history. Keyw ords: Genre Zhe ;Drawing Genre;Wumen;Style; Drawing appreciation 序 言 李开先是明中叶著名的文学家。其文学成就在于创作了传奇《断发记》、《宝剑记》、《登 坛记》(《登坛记》未见传本),院本《一笑散》(现仅存《园林午梦》、《打哑禅》两种),诗 文集《闲居集》十二卷,选编《市井艳词》、《诗禅》,写了《词谑》,评过《水浒传》,还有 散曲、杂剧等。作为与王慎中、唐顺之等并称的“嘉靖八子”之一。他不仅在文学上极负盛 名,还是一位著名的收藏家和鉴赏家。入仕之后


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