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(寒假总动员)2015年高二英语寒假作业 专题11 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(十一)(背) charge in charge负责,主管The person in charge is the director. in charge of负责,掌管,照料Mary is in charge of the children when I am busy. in the charge of由……负责,由……掌管The project is in_the_charge_of an experienced worker. take charge of负责,掌管Mr. Brown took charge of the company after his father died. free of charge = for free免费 (2)be charged with被指控犯……罪He was charged with murder, which surprised us all. tear tear up撕碎 tear down撕掉;拆毁We tore_down the old houses in order to make room for the new ones. tear ... into pieces把……撕成碎片She shouldnt have torn the letter into tiny pieces. tear ... in two = tear ... into halves把……撕成两半tear ... open撕开,拆开 in_tearsThe fans were in_tears hearing the death of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor. burst burst in突然闯进 He burst in when we were discussing where to go for our holiday. burst into sth.爆发 It is bad manners to_burst_into others house without knocking. burst out doing sth.爆发 Alice burst out screaming when she saw a figure come out of the dark suddenly. 必备短语 give(v.) give up 放弃 give in 屈服;投降 give out 用完;耗尽 get out of 从……出来;摆脱 give away 分发;泄露;捐赠 give off 放出 give back 归还;恢复 I persuaded him to give up the foolish plan.放弃 2.He would not give in to the enemy. 向…屈服 3.Our food and water will give out soon.用尽 4.He got out of debt.He gave away most of his fortune to the poor work. 赠送 5.This engine gives off lots of smoke and steam.Living here has given me back my health.散发 经典句子 1. We find it hard to decide which word to use. 2. Upper class people spoke French, while common people spoke English. 3. The question why English has so many confusing rules is easy to answer. 4. The language they speak is what we now call Old English. 5. Throughout history, climates have a great impact on the environment. 经典范文 Dear Cheng Wei, I’m very glad to know that you will get a chance to study in London for a year. I’d like to tell you something about London so that you can have some ideas abou



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