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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题15 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(十五)(背) adequate be adequate for sth. 对……是足够的;适合…The space available is not adequate_for our needs. be adequate to do sth. 足够做某事Existing levels of funding are not adequate to deal with this problem. be adequate to胜任(to 为介词)I hope you will prove adequate to the job. rush make a rush for sp.匆忙去某地 It rained and people made a rush for shelter. in a rush匆忙地 I didnt know why the words came out in a rush. rush to do sth.急忙做.. People rushed to buy shares in the company. rush sb. to sp.匆忙送某人去… Doctors and medical supplies were_rushed_to the scene of the accident. allocate assist sb to do sth…帮助某人做…… We will assist you to find somewhere to live. assist sb in doing sth帮助某人做…… He asked us to_assist_him_in working out the problem. with the assistance of 在…的帮助下 With the assistance of the teacher, he has made great progress. come to sb.s assistance帮助某人 I waited patiently hoping that someone would come_to_my_assistance. 必备短语 look(v.) look up抬头;查阅 look out 小心 look into 调查 look forward to 盼望look through 仔细看;浏览 look up to 尊敬 look down upon 瞧不起 look on……as (=treat/consider/take/think of……as)把……看作 You may look up new word in a dictionary.查询 2.Look out! The pan is on fire.当心 3.We will further look into the matter.调查 4.We look forward to knowing the results of the exam.盼望 5.You have to look through the papers before you hand them.浏览 6.Young children look up to old people. 尊敬 7.The days are gone when women were looked down upon. 瞧不起 8.He looks on the computer as his friend. 看待 经典句子 1. Some of the games in which the young men completed were: running, jumping and wrestling. 2. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of the competing countries. 3.Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. 4. Wang Mei puts her hand into her pocket, takes out her red cellphone and presses the talk ke



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