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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题11 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(十一)(背) 高考英语必背高频词汇 want 1.want+to do I want to go to Europe. He wants to be a pilot. 2.want+n+to do I want you to go to the supermarket. 3.want+n+(to be) done/adj I want this work (to be) finished by tomorrow. I want everything ready before we start. 4.want+doing The wall wants painting. way 1.The way to do sth./the way of doing sth. There are a lot of ways to make friends. The best way of learning English is to go to a country where the language is spoken. 2.The way in which/that/+句子 We admired the way he solved the problem.=We admired the way in wich (that) he solved the problem. 3.On one’s way to… I met Jane on my way home. He was on the way to the airport when his car broke down. 高考英语必背短语 turn(v.) (1)He was poor but proud and turned down every offer of help.拒绝接受 (2)The campers usually turned in as soon as it got dark.上床睡觉 (3)The teachers have to turn in the reports at the end of the school year.上交 (4)The examination turned out (to be)easy.结果是,最后情况是 (5)Bob turns over most of the money he earns to his mother.移交,交给 (6)The car struck the wall and turned over.撞翻,翻倒 (7)He turned over in bed.翻身,翻转 (81Please turn over this page.翻到,翻页 (9)The missing boy turned up.出现 (10)Turn up the dictionary if you can’t spell the word.查(字典) (11)Mozart’music always turns me on.使感兴趣 (12)She turned away in horror at the sight ofso much blood.转身不看 (13)Because the hall was full,many people were turned away.撵走 (14)turn a blind eye to/on视而不见/turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻/turn about向后转/turn against反对,背叛/turn back翻回,折回,使往回走/by turns轮iiic/in turn一个 挨一个地;又(对别人)做同样的事/take turns轮流(做某事) (15)If you have some questions,you can turn to your teachers for help.求助于 高考英语必背写作经典句子 句型2.as soon as …一…就…= directly / immediately / instantly… = the second / the minute / the moment /the instant… He came around to see me as soon as / the moment/ immediately he checked in the hotel. 2. The policeman came to the spot the moment / the i



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