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(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题11 名词与冠词(练)(含解析) I.单项填空 1. 【2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体(温州中学等)高三上学期期初联考】15. Liao Fan, a Chinese actor, finally got to know __ real success tastes like when he won the prize for Best Actor at the 64th Berlin film festival. A. when B. how C. what D. that 2. 【2015届浙江省绍兴一中高三上学期回头考试】35. It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. now D. whether 3. 【2015届浙江省“温州八校”高三返校联考】15. is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift. A. Which B. As C. That D. What 4. 【2015届江西省师大附中等五校高三第一次联考】32. -I need to put a cross on the map to show ____ that famous hotel is. -____? Mary’s done it already. A. where; Why bother B. wherever; How come C. what; What for D. whatever; So what 5. 【2015届湖南省师大附中高三第一次月考】25.________ worried the mother most was that her son spent too much time playing computer games. A. Which B. What C. That D. Where 6.【2014届江苏省苏州市调研】32. You should be grateful to your employees, because you wouldnt be________you are now without them. A. why B. how C. where D. which 7.【2014届甘肃省河西五市普通中学联考】13.—Don’t you believe me?—_____, I will believe ______you say. A. No; whatever? ??????B. Yes, no matter what C. No; no matter what? ?D. Yes, whatever 8.【2014届福建省漳州七校第二次联考】31. Sorry I’m so late, but you cannot imagine _______ great trouble I took to find your house. A. what B.how C.which D.why 9.【2014届湖南省十三校第一次联考】26._____ is well known to the world is that China has very top technology in space industry. A.It B.As C.What D.Which 10.【2014届陕西省咸阳市高考模拟】24. After three days’ waiting, there was a little doubt in Jake’s mind______ the police could find his lost car. A. how B. that C. where D. whether 11.【2014届广西贵港市5月模拟冲刺】 James said during the interview that he did _____ it took for his team to win.



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