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高层钢结构住宅设计 学 院:建筑与土木工程学院 专业班级:土木0505班 姓 名:李瑞锋 指导教师:雷宏刚 高宇波 The Design of the Residential High-rise Stell Structure Abstract The graduation project is entitled: residential high-rise steel structure, at the architectural design and structural design of the contents of two parts. Project Overview: 14 on the ground floor, 2.8 meters height. Underground parking floors, floor 3.3 meters high. A site area of 4995 square meters, construction area of 17176.23 square meters, the design is as follows: seismic intensity of 8 degrees, the design division for the second group, the basic wind pressure 0.4KN / ㎡, ground roughness for the C category. According to the Housing function and use the requirements of architectural design, structural steel frame system - support system, give full play to the characteristics of steel. Framework for the H-shaped steel beam cross-section. Frame column with a cantilever beam-column unit above, and then the framework of rigidity. Frame beam and column frame splicing are then mixed bolt welding, flange for the full penetration butt weld groove of the welding, the use of high strength bolts connecting web. Column transport unit. Floor using pressure-type floor plate combination, its cast of 70 thick C20 concrete, using submerged plinth plinth, column-shaped for the raft foundation. Key words high-rise residential steel;steel frame - support system; pressure plate combination of floor Raft foundation 一、建筑设计 1.总平面布置,须考虑居住的外部环境设计,考虑绿化、庭院、景观、交通、停车、户外交往空间等设计因素。此设计总体布局为两座高层住宅均布置在规划场地北部,南部为运动场所和花园,小区在南部设置1个入口,北部设置1个出口, 场地周边布置景观绿化,营造出美观、舒适的生活空间。 2本住宅主要设置为3个套型,套型比为2:2:1,以中套为主,辅以大套和小套。各套独门独户,并设有卧室、厨房、卫生间及储藏空间等,住宅的平面及空间设计比较紧凑,以多种形式的空间组合方式来满足不同的生活要求,立面及造型处理规则传统,力求创造亲切、和谐的人居环境和住区形象。 3住宅的平面及空间设计要紧凑合理,通过多种形式的空间组合方式,满足不同的生活要求。 立面及造型处理应符合居住区的特点,创造亲切、和谐的人居环境和住区形象。 (1) 建筑造型设计 住宅是居民生活、休息的场所。与人们的生活息息相关的不仅是住宅的使用功能,其美观问题也是住宅设计的一个重要方面,尤其是当人民的生活和文化素养达到一定的水平时,人们对住宅外观的要求也会日益提高。设计优秀的住宅,不仅可以为家庭生活提供舒适的物质环境,


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