托福口语: 好莱坞将镜头对准万里长城.docVIP

托福口语: 好莱坞将镜头对准万里长城.doc

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托福口语: 好莱坞意将镜头对准万里长城 小马过河为大家准备了“托福口语: 好莱坞意将镜头对准万里长城”, 供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。   The company behind historical hit movies 300 and Clash of the Titans has announced plans for its first production in China, which will focus on the countrys most recognizable historical monument: The Great Wall.   The film will be a fictional story set at the time of the walls construction. It will be directed by Edward Zwick, whose credits include The Last Samurai, Love and Other Drugs and Blood Diamond.   Legendary Pictures, a Hollywood production company, said that its newly-formed Asian venture, Legendary East, will be handling the project. The company has so far released no details about the cast or production schedule.   Prior to the announcement of the new production, Legendary Easts chief executive Kelvin Wu said the company expects to draw on its experience in turning classical history and mythology into cinematic hits. The whole team at Legendary has been doing Greek culture-based movies so well, and theyve been accepted globally, he said. What were going to do are big-budget films and create some sort of imaginary world in a film for a fan-boy community.   Hong Kong-based Legendary East was created in June as a collaboration between Legendary Pictures and Huayi Brothers, a Chinese film producer and distributor. Hong Kong-based construction firm Paul Y. Engineering has also invested $220.5 million for a 50% stake in the venture.   Legendary Easts mission is to crack the notoriously closed Chinese film market Beijing only allows 20 foreign films to be shown in Chinese theaters each year and tightly controls film production in the country. The new ventures mandate is to make English-language films based on Chinese folklore and history.   Mr. Wu said he believes Legendary East can steer through Chinas movie distribution rules while still creating films that appeal to a worldwide audience.   China is an increasingly attractive market for movie producers. Box-


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