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Sheet3 GB Sheet1 Textile machinery and accessories - Cylindrical tubes - Part 7: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of perforated tubes for cheese dyeing GB/T 24378-2009 纺织机械与附件 非自动穿经织机用停经片 Texile machinery and accessories - Drop wires for warp stop motions for weaving machines without automatic drawing-in GB/T 24379-2009 纺织机械与附件 自动穿经织机用停经片 Textile machinery and accessories - Drop wires for warp stop motions for weaving machines with automatic drawing-in GB/T 24348.1-2009 纺织机械与附件 筘 第1部分:胶粘线扎筘的尺寸和标记 Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 1: Dimensions and designation of pitch bound reeds GB/T 24348.2-2009 纺织机械与附件 筘 第2部分:平板梁金属丝扎筘的尺寸和标记 Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 2: Dimensions and designation of metal reeds with plate baulk GB/T 24348.3-2009 纺织机械与附件 筘 第3部分:双弹性梁金属丝扎筘的尺寸和标记 Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 3: Dimensions and designation of metal reeds with double-spring baulk GB/T 24381-2009 纺织机械与附件 提花织造用镶入综眼的钢丝综 Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds with inset mail for jacquard weaving GB/T 24380-2009 纺织机械与附件 织机综框用钢丝综 Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds for weaving machines with heald frames GB/T 24377-2009 纺织机械与附件 金属针布 尺寸定义、齿型和包卷 Textile machinery and accessories - Metallic card clothing - Definitions of dimensions, types and mounting GB/T 24348.4-2009 纺织机械与附件 筘 第4部分:树脂固化金属丝扎筘的尺寸和标记 Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 4: Dimensions and designation of plastic-bound metal reeds GB/T 24348.5-2009 纺织机械与附件 筘 第5部分:槽形梁的尺寸和标记 Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 5: Dimensions and designation of profile capsules GB/T 24382-2009 纺织机械与附件 喷气织机用异型筘 尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories - Profile reeds for air jet weaving machines - Dimensions GB/T 25874.1-2010 纺织机械与附件 筘齿用钢片 第1部分:冷轧钢片 Textile machinery and accessories - Strip steel for dents of reeds - Part 1: Cold rolled strip steel 2011-06-01实施 GB/T 25874.2-2010 纺织机械与附件 筘齿用钢片 第2部分:淬硬钢片 Textile machinery and accessories - Stri


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