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• Ulna n ven tors • ~Ul e , , • •• ~ ABO UT THI S KIT The overall goa l of this kit is fun. Beyond this . the aim is to gel you comfortab le using a wide rang e of e lectronic components through small, simp le and easy circuits. Th e focus is to get each circuit working then givin g you the tools to figure out why. If you encounter any prob le ms, wanl to ask a question, or wou ld like 10 know more about any part , extra help is only an e -mail awayhe lp @o om . ABOUT OPEN SOURCE HARDW ARE All of the projec t s at SparkFun and .:oomlou!: . are open source. What does this mea n ? [ t means eve rythin g involved in making this kit, be it this guid e, 3D models , Of code is available fo r free download . But it goes further, youre also free to reproduce and modify a ny of this ma teriaL then distribute it for yourself. The catch? Quite simple, it is released under a Creative Commons (By- Sh are Alike) license . Thi s means you must credit .: oomlout :. in your de sign and share your developm ents in a similar manner. Wh y? We grew up learning and play ing with open source soft ware and the e xperience was good fun, we thi nk it would be lovely if a similar experien ce was pos sible with physical things . M:Jre details on the Creat ive Commons CC (By - Share Alike ) Uce n se can be fou nd at http://a rdx .o rg/CXlJ ABOUT.: OOMLOUT :. We re a plucky little d es ign company focu sin g on


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