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2010 ( 32) 6 A utomo tive Eng inee ring 20 10 ( V o.l 32) N o. 6 2010111 * 1 1 1 1 1 2 崔 岸 , 王登峰, 陈海潮 , 荣安琪 , 曾庆洋, 卜绍先 ( 1吉林大学, 汽车动态模拟国家重点 验室, 长春 130025; 2中国重型汽车集团有限公司, 济南 250002 ) [ , 1, , ; , , , , , , 1, :;;;; Cab Structural O pt mi ization of a Comm erc ial V ehicle B ased on M oda l Sens itiv ity A na lysis 1 1 1 1 1 2 CuiA n, W ang D engfeng , Chen Haichao , Rong A nqi, Zeng Q ingyang Bu Shaox ian 1Jilin Un iversity, S tateK ey La boratory of A utom otive Dynam ic S mi ulation, Chang chun 130025; 2Ch ina Nationa lH eavy D uty Truc Group Co. , L td. , Jinan 250002 [Abst act] The fin ite elem ent m odelw ith shell elem ent for a comm erc ia l veh icle cab is se t up, w ith wh ich num er ical and expermi enta lm odal ca lculat ions and their co rre la tion analysis are conducted. For ra ising the first to r siona l frequency of the cab, a beam she ll elem ents m ixed m odel for the cab is bu ilt by adding the beam elem ent m odel for door fram e. A m odal sensitiv ity analysis is perfo rm ed based on the m echan ic properties of beam crosssec t ion w ith the sensitive beam elem ent com ponents and correspond ing sensit ive area in shell e lem ent m odel identif ied, on wh ich a topography optmi izat ion is carried out. T he results o f topography optmi ization are then u sed to gu ide the dmi ension opt mi ization o f panel section and the opt mi um struct



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