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Josephine Chervinska 作者的话(郭長銘试译) 我叫伊莉娜 斯摩丽克,一个来自乌克兰的自由摄影艺术家。在互联网上,大家称我约瑟芬或约瑟芬 雪雯斯卡。我宁可称自己为运用照片作为创作工具的艺术家,而不是摄影师。 我从未受过专业培训,我学到的一切均来自摄影书籍和数码处理技术。我耗费大量时间在网上搜寻有用的信息,仔细认真地学习那些著名摄影师的作品。而且,在我和我丈夫从事拍摄音乐电视片和商业TV时(我当场记,我丈夫当导演),我获得了十分宝贵的构图和光线运用经验。我们要花费很多时间来构筑布景,每天有近10-12小时用来制作和处理拍摄的素材。 四年前,我和我丈夫在拍摄一部音乐电视片。拍摄场地选在著名摄影艺术家弗拉基米尔 舒莱夫斯基的工作间,之前,他与我和我丈夫都不熟悉。 他无与伦比的自然和静物摄影作品成为促使我拿起相机进行创作的第一推动力。 * * * 約瑟芬?雪雯斯卡 如畫的攝影! 自動換頁 音樂: Paul Mauriat James Last <Krasniy Sarafan> My name is Iryna Smolych. I’m free photo artist from Ukraine. In the internet people know me as Josephine or Josephine Chervinska. I would not call myself a photographer but rather an artist who uses photos as a tool for creations. I did not pass any specialized training. I learned everything by myself from books on photography, digital processing. I spent lots of time searching for the helpful information on the Internet, scrupulously studied photos of famous photographers. Moreover, I’ve got invaluable experience in composition of shooting frame and lighting when my husband and I were engaged in shooting musical videos and TV commercials (me as a scrip writer, my husband - as the director). We had to spend a lot of time for a set, and then about 10-12 hours per day to mount and process filmed material. Four years ago my husband and I had to shoot a music video. The shoot was taking place in the photo studio of a famous photo artist Vladimir Shulevsky who we were not acquainted with before. His magnificent nature and still-life images became the first push for me to take the camera in my hands. *


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