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初中英语同义词辨析 ?1.feel (含 see, watch, find, notice,hear) sb.do sth. / doing sth. 辨析:感官动词 + 原形动词 表示该动作常常发生,泛指; 感官动词 + ?动名词 表示该动作正在发生,特指 1)I often feel my heart beat faster. 2) I feel my heart beating faster now. 2.good - well - fine 辨析:good 是形容词,指品质好,质量好; well 通常作副词, 常修饰动词,作形容词时是指 身体好;?fine 也是形容词,常指天气好,身体好 1)He studies English well and speaks a good English. ?2) ---How is his mother???--- Shes very well / fine. 3) Its a fine day today. ?3.good luck with - good luck to ?辨析:good luck with sth.(物);good luck to sb.( 人 ) 1)Good luck with your Chinese. ?2) Good luck to you. 4.go on + to do sth - go on + doing sth.( 类似词 continue) 辨析:go on to do sth. 表示停止原来动作 (不间歇)而继续下一个动作;?go on doing sth 则表示继续原来的动作 ?1)I have just finished my physics exercises. May I go on to do my math exercises? ?2)??You havent finished reading the article. Please go on reading it. 5. high - tall ?辨析:high 表示“物高”; tall 指人高“ 或“物高”;指细长的物体时常用tall而不用high The big??tree is about eight metres high. The young man is very tall. The pole of the flag is about ten metres tall. 6.hope - wish 辨析:hope 表示有可能实现的愿望,hope 后直接跟不定式或从句,口语中常用 I hope so 或I hope not. 千万不要用 hope sb.to do sth这个结构wish 则表示不可能实现的愿望,wish 后可跟不定式或从句,wish?sb.to do sth.这个结构经常用 1)I hope to be a doctor when I grow up.? 2) We hope that we all can pass the exam. 3)--??Do you want to go with us? --- I hope so. 4) He wishes he could fly to the moon some day. 5) The teacher wished us to hand in our exercise-books in time. 6.have to - must 辨析:have to 表示客观需求,“必须”“一定”“不得不”,而must则表示主观愿望 1)I had to stay at home to look after my mother because she is? ill yesterday. ?2)He doesnt have to say so . 3)You must learn English well. 7. hanged - hung 辨析:hanged??表示“绞死”“吊死”,hung 表示“悬挂”“吊起来” ???? 1)You will be hanged as a spy?? tommorrow. ???? 2) My wet clothes are hung on the line . 8. have been - have gone ???? 辨析:have been表示“去过某地”,而have gone 则表示“到某地去了”,现不在这里 ??? 1)I have been to Beijing twice already. 2) My head teacher has gone to Nanjing. 3) ---- Where


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