计算机专业英语实用教程 教学课件 作者 徐莉芳 Benjamin Dewan 第6章.ppt

计算机专业英语实用教程 教学课件 作者 徐莉芳 Benjamin Dewan 第6章.ppt

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第6章 The System Unit 本章要点 What is the System Unit? Words and Expressions How To Do:A Virus How To Work:MP3 Grammar Focus:名词性从句 Text in Chinese:系统装置 Reading Selection: Hardware on the Inside 科技英语的写作特点(Ⅰ) Practical Writing:道歉信 What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? What is the System Unit? 翻译程序是一种软件系统,这种系统把一种计算机语言的语句变换成别的计算机语言的语句。第一种语言通常叫做源语言,第二种语言可称为结果语言、目标语言、机器语言。 科技英语有特定的信息结构和传递方式。科技英语语言以准确、迅速传递为目的。它的信息载体篇幅小,信息含量大,信息高密度集中,信息分布广,覆盖面大,整篇文章中的信息环环紧扣,没有信息空白区和无用信息。 例如: The combining of oxygen with any substance is called oxidation. Oxidation can take place slowly or rapidly. The rusting of iron is an example of slow oxidation. The burning of wood, coal, and other fuels is rapid oxidation. In some kinds of oxidation the fuel burns up all at once. This extremely rapid oxidation is called an explosion. 氧气与任何物质的结合被称为氧化作用。氧化作用可缓解或迅速发生。铁的锈化是缓解氧化的例子。木材、煤和其他燃料的燃烧是迅速氧化的例子。在一些氧化作用中, 燃料即刻燃尽。这种非常迅速的氧化被称为爆炸。 在上例中,不难看出,词—句—篇章结构形成一张严密的信息网,信息的重荷在后,信息网络清晰,传递连续,结构紧密,层层连环推进,形成链条式信息传递结构。 Practical Writing:道歉信 道歉一般有两项主要内容: 1)为什么而道歉; 2)有什么补救措施。 样张: Dear David,I′m writing to say sorry that I can′t meet you at the airport on time.I was glad to h


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