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中文名: 生化危机4---来生 英文名:Resident Evil: Afterlife 主演:米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)-Alice   Jason OMara ....Albert Wesker (rumored)   Austin Peck ....Kevin Ryman (rumored)   文特沃斯·厄尔·米勒三世(Wentworth Miller)....Chris Redfield 类 型: 动作 惊怵 恐怖 科幻 剧情介绍 硝烟、黑雾、死寂……仅仅五年,生机盎然的地球就已经成了病毒肆虐丧尸横行的毁灭之地。在生人勿近、死亡边缘的世界里,爱丽丝(米拉·乔沃维奇)始终不肯放弃最后一线希望。凭什么无辜百姓饱受折磨,而“保护伞”公司的那些罪魁祸首却可以躲藏在地下安居乐业,草木不惊?难道断壁残垣的末世中,就没有哪怕一条阳光的出路?爱丽丝驾着小型飞机在阿拉斯加的冰冻荒原上梭巡,只为在这片土地上搜寻到世上已为数不多的未被变种病毒蹂躏的幸存者。   当昏迷的克莱尔(艾丽·拉特)出现在爱丽丝面前时,她简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。昔日强悍无比的战友,不但离奇地记忆全失,胸前竟还被植入了能接收到奇怪讯号的机械装置!不用说,“下毒手”的正是罪孽深重的保护伞公司。极北之地的阿拉斯加也已落入丧尸手中,世上已无安全区域,如今唯一幸存的可能,就是跟随奇怪讯号顺藤摸瓜,揪出幕后黑手,一击而毙!   讯号将她们引向了洛杉矶。巨大的好莱坞标志牌,如今已变成颓垣败瓦。残破不堪的洛杉矶,处处是毁败腐烂的痕迹。死一般寂静的废墟中,各种拥有超能力的新型丧尸层出不穷。好在克莱尔渐渐恢复了记忆与超强战斗力,克莱尔的哥哥、身为S.T.A.R.S.阿尔法小队队员的克里斯(文特沃斯·米勒)也及时赶到,爱丽丝才得到了喘息时机。一场与“保护伞”公司的大战即将展开,突破重重关卡深入虎穴的他们,即将落入阿尔法小队的怪物级队长艾尔伯特·威斯克(肖恩·罗伯茨)的死亡陷阱。而拨开迷雾之后,爱丽丝竟发现这一切的背后很可能隐藏着恐怖至极的惊天大阴谋…… Drama introduction Resident Evil: Apocalypse Alice awakens Story takes place in a Midwestern industrial city of Harvard Will the airport. Claire is now a member of a non-governmental organizations, for the relief of victims of abuse by the biological and chemical weapons and constantly running around the world. However, when she arrived in this airport, she saw a zombie appeared among the crowd at the airport! But its too late, an airport police officer was bitten first, and then continue to passengers and airport employees were infected, of which the airport will soon fall into a panic! Indeed, one of the aircraft has departed the airport at this time and hurtled to the airport to get out from the aircraft passengers and crew have all zombie ... ... is the T virus! That 7 years ago by the notorious Umbrella Corporation developed the virus of terror, and now reappears, this time it fell into the hands of terrorists, their purpose is to blackmail the U.S. government to meet their various requirements. So in this emergency situation, the White House to send agents to the terrorist attacks of Lyon Speci


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