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2014届本科生毕业论文 题目 浅析金庸小说人物的命名艺术 作者姓名 陈 欣 指导教师 王相民 二级学院 人文与艺术学院 专 业 汉语言文学 学 号 1B101132 浅析金庸小说人物的命名艺术 摘 要 “飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,金庸这14部脍炙人口的武侠小说中,塑造出了许多经典的人物,他们在金庸武侠小说的英雄人物谱中熠熠生辉。如郭靖、黄蓉、乔峰、段誉、任盈盈等,都是作者匠心独运的艺术结晶。这除了金庸本人在塑造人物形象上已然达到炉火纯青的境界之外,他在人物命名艺术上的深厚造诣也同样功不可没。金庸小说中,人物的名号不仅仅是简单的区分符号,而且还是小说艺术创作中不可或缺的一部分,人物命名艺术可以成为衡量作家作品深度构思精妙与否的重要依据,从这一点恰能看出金庸先生正是这样一位能纯熟驾驭命名艺术的高手。他小说中的人物命名不仅能体现作品的文化内涵,还能揭示人物的性格和暗示人物的命运。因此探讨和研究金庸小说人物命名的艺术,对我们了解作家和作品有深刻的意义。 关键词:金庸;小说;命名 Naming of Characters of Jin Yongs novels Abstract Snow white deer shot and groaning, laughing leaning book God Xia Bi-yuan, Jin Yong which 14 popular novels, the shape of many of the classic characters, they shine in Jin Yongs martial arts heroes spectrum. As Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, Ren Yingying, are imaginative art of crystallization. This is in addition to already reach the pinnacle of Jin Yong himself in the realm of shaping the characters, he has deep knowledge in the art of naming characters also contributed. Jin Yongs novels, the characters name is not just a simple distinction between symbols, but also novels integral part of artistic creation, the character named Art can be a subtle or not an important basis for measuring the depth of the idea of writers and their works, from this point just can see Mr. Jin Yong is such a master who can skillfully manage named art. His characters in the novel is named not only reflect the cultural content of the work, but also to reveal the fate of the characters personality and suggestive character. So explore and study the art of Jin Yongs novels the characters named, to our understanding of writers and their works have profound significance. Keywords: Jin Yong; novel; naming 目 录 引 言 1 1 金庸小说人名中体现的文化内涵 2 1.1 引用传统文化典故 2 1.2儒、道、佛三家兼容 3 1.2.1 人物命名体现儒家文化 3 1.2.2 人物命名体现道家文化 4 1.2.3 人物命名体现佛家文化 5 2 金庸小说人名中蕴含的语用意义 5 2.1 人物命名揭示人物性格 5 2.2 人物命名


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