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摘 要 超速报警器的设计将车速传感器产生的车速信号送入霍尔传感器电路,得到一个与车速信号频率一致的信号,送入单片机记数,与单片机内部设定值相比较。如果超过了预设值则可判断汽车超速,蜂鸣器报警提示。该系统由电源电路、时钟电路、复位电路、速度显示电路、按键电路、键盘(设定报警车速值)、报警电路、霍尔传感器连接电路和控制单片机组成。 电源电路给整个系统提过动力,使整个系统快速的运转起来。ATC89C51单片机芯片内部设有一个由反向放大器构成的振荡器,XTAL1和XTAL2分别为振荡电路的输入端和输出端,时钟可由内部或外部生成组成时钟电路。复位电路就好比电脑的重启部分,当电脑在使用中出现死机,按下重启按钮电脑内部的程序从头开始执行。霍尔传感器连接电路通过单片机测量产生脉冲的频率就可以得出圆盘的转速,得出系统的速度。按键电路包括速度设置、速度增加、速度减小以及速度确定,有四个开关可以对速度上限值进行设定,另外有速度增减按键,可以方便的根据当地限速的要求实时实地进行速度更改以达到报警目的,具有很强的灵活性,方便驾驶员的操作。显示电路主要显示系统的速度。报警电路主要有声音报警,报警电路相对来说比较简单,起报警作用。以此来通知驾驶员进行调速,减少发生交通事故。 关键词:以太网;组态;监控 Abstract Overspeed alarm design will have a speed signal into the hall speed sensor, the sensor circuit, get a consistent with the speed signal frequency signal, into the microcontroller numeration. Compared with single chip microcomputer internal value. If more than the preset value can judge the car speeding, buzzer alarm prompt. The system consists of power supply circuit, clocking circuit and reset circuit, display circuit, key circuit, speed the keyboard (set alarm speed value), alarm circuit, hall sensor connection circuit and the control of single chip microcomputer. Power circuit mentioned power to the whole system, the whole system running fast. Atc89c51 single-chip microcomputer with internal a composed of reverse amplifier oscillator, xtal1 and xtal2 oscillation circuit of input and output, respectively, of the clock can be generated by internal or external clock circuit. Reset circuit is just like restart part of the computer, when the computer froze in use, press the reset button inside the computer program execution from the very beginning. Hall sensor connection circuit generated by single chip microcomputer measuring the frequency of the pulse can be concluded that the speed of the disc, it is concluded that the speed of the system. Button circuit including speed Settings, speed increase, decrease and sure, there are four switch to set the speed limit, have other rate increase or decrease buttons that can be real


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