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摘 要 研发投资决策的财务分析是财务分析在特定的投资决策领域的应用,其可发挥辅助企业投资决策的重要作用。在席卷全球的金融风暴中,中小企业首当其冲的受到影响,中小企业的生存和发展面临着严峻考验。研发是中小企业化金融危机为发展机遇,应对全球竞争的有效方式,而研发投资决策的质量又取决于其投资的财务分析。 认识中小企业研发投资决策的必要性,从国际国内的研究现状出发,讨论中小企业研发投资决策的财务分析方法及其在实际中的应用。这对于中小企业研发投资决策具有重要的意义。研发投资决策的财务分析方法除常用的经济指标评价法之外,实物期权等新的评价方法的引入与应用对于全球竞争中的中小企业研发投资决策的财务分析也是十分必要的。从评价方法的阐述到具体研发投资项目的应用,案例分析在其中发挥了衔接与借鉴的作用。 关键词:中小企业; 研发投资决策;财务分析 Abstract R D investment decision-making is the financial analysis of the financial analysis of investment decisions in a particular field, and its auxiliary enterprises can play an important role in investment decision-making. In engulfs the entire world in the financial storm, the small and medium-sized enterprise bears the brunt comes under the influence, the small and medium-sized enterprise survival and the development is facing the severe test. RD are the small and medium-sized enterprise financial crisis are the development opportunity, deals with the global competition the effective way, but researches and develops the investment decision the quality to be decided by its investment financial analysis. Decision-making the small and medium-sized enterprise aware of the need for R D investment from international and domestic research, the discussion of small and medium-sized R D investment decisions of financial analysis methods and their application in practice. This has the vital significance regarding the small and medium-sized enterprise research and development investment decision. R D investment decisions financial analysis method except the commonly used economic indicator appraisal law outside, the real options and so on new assessment methods introduction and the application regarding global competitions in small and medium-sized enterprise research and development investment decisions financial analysis is also very essential. From the evaluation of the R D investment projects in specific applications, case studies, in which the connection and learn to play a role. Key words:Small and


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