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当代检验检疫科技的结构及发展趋势 李怀林1 徐鉴1 李明2 滕飞3 赵婷婷4 张志华1 吴迪1 (1中国检验检疫科学研究院 北京 100123;2北京出入境检验检疫局;3黑龙江出入境检验检疫局;4云南出入境检验检疫局) 概 要 检验检疫作为一个以技术执法和把关为主要任务的工作体系,始终离不开强大的科技支撑。检验检疫科技是推动检验检疫工作产生、发展和进步的核心动力,是检验检疫事业健康发展的根本保障。本文以自然辩证法(科技哲学)为主要理论工具,尝试分别从当代检验检疫科学和技术的旨趣以及各自的结构剖析入手,分析检验检疫科学和技术二元结构的内在联系和实质,探索在当前国际经济贸易全球化和区域经济一体化的不断深化的背景下,检验检疫科学和技术,尤其是检验检疫科学的定位、发展趋势和未来发展方向,对检验检疫科技发展如何围绕检验检疫部门履职把关、服务发展提出建议,同时对检验检疫科技如何向学科化、体系化方向发展提出建议思路。 关键词 检验检疫 科技 学科 结构 发展趋势 The Framework and Development Trend of Contemporary Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Lihuailin1 ,Xu Jian1, Li Ming2, Teng Fei3, Zhao Ting Ting4, Zhang Zhi Hua1, Wu Di1 (1. Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine Beijing 1000123; 2.Beijing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau; 3.Hei Long Jiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau; 4.Yun Nan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) Abstract: As a work system of which main tasks are technological administration and final check-up, Inspection and Quarantine cannot be separated from strong scientific and technological support. Science and technology is the core power to promote the generation, development and improvement of Inspection and Quarantine work, and also the basic guarantee of its health development. This article taking dialectics of nature (philosophy of science and technology) as the main theoretical tool, trying to cut trough from contemporary science and technology purport of Inspection and Quarantine and their analysis of the structure respectively, analyses the inherent relations and substance of dual structure of inspection and quarantine science and technology; under the current background of deepening of international economy and trade globalization and the regional economic integration, explores inspection and quarantine science and technology especially the positioning, development trends and direction in the future, presents personal suggestion on how inspection and quarantine science and technology to develop with the focus of the administra


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