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AP中文考試樣本 Parts of the exam are accompanied by a master recording. In the sample questions that follow, the material enclosed in brackets is heard by the student and does not appear on-screen. Section I: Multiple Choice (Listening) Sample Questions Directions: You will hear several short conversations or parts of conversations followed by four choices, designated (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one that continues or completes the conversation in a logical and culturally appropriate manner. You will have 5 seconds to answer each question. Note: In this part of the exam, the student may not move back and forth among questions. [(Woman) 我帶你去參觀一下我新買的房子,好不好? (Man) (A) 你想帶誰去找房子? (B) 對不起,我對買新產品不感興趣。 (C) 好,我們一起去參加觀光團吧! (D) 什麼時候買的?怎麼沒告訴我?] [(Woman) 對不起,沒什麼好菜招待你們。 (Man) (A) 請問你今天想點些什麼菜? (B) 不好意思,招待不周到。 (C) 您太客氣了,我們都吃得很飽。 (D) 別著急,我一吃完飯就來你家找你。] [(Woman) 今天我去學校接你的時候,那個跟你說話的同學是誰啊? (Man) 那是我的新朋友馬可明。吃了晚飯以後我可以去他家玩嗎? (Woman) (A) 你現在跟他到學校來接我。 (B) 吃了晚飯以後早一點回家。 (C) 等你做完功課再說吧! (D) 馬可明是新來的老師嗎?] . [(Man) 你是從哪兒來的? (Woman) 我是從美國紐約來的。你呢? (Man) (A) 老實說,我哪兒都不喜歡去。 (B) 真可惜,你從來沒去過紐約。 (C) 你可不要跟我去那個地方。 (D) 我是本地人,在這兒生的。] 5. [(Woman) 這種新飲料,好喝嗎? (Man) 喝起來像糖水一樣,沒廣告上說的那麼好。 (Woman) (A) 真的有那麼甜嗎? (B) 真的有那麼好嗎? (C) 真的有那麼多嗎? (D) 真的有那麼香嗎?] Directions: You will listen to several selections in Chinese. For each selection, you will be told whether it will be played once or twice. You may take notes as you listen. Your notes will not be graded. After listening to each selection, you will see questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection. You will have 12 seconds to answer each question. Note: In this part of the exam, the student may move back and forth only among the questions associated with the current listening selection. Voice message [(Narrator) Now you will listen twice to a voice message. (Woman) 喂,張建,我是王華。我現在在急診室。我媽今天下午在家裏摔了一跤,走不了路。我剛把她帶到醫院來檢查。還好骨頭沒摔斷,但是醫生要她留在醫院裏觀察一夜,所以我得在這兒陪她。今天晚上不能跟你去看電影了。請明天早上打電話到我家,我跟你一起走路去上學。 (Narrator) N



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