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2003年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生考试 英 语 试 题 Part I Reading Comprehension(40%) Passage one Another behind-the-scenes technology that will help speed the delivery of information requested by a user is called XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language and is widely viewed as the successor to HTML, the hypertext markup language used in Web page creation. “XML is a lingua franca (混合语) … it lets everyone agree on how to describe a document (and its contents) , how to transport it and how to inter-operate with other languages ,” said Don DePalma , a principal analyst at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. While XML is really a technology for “tagging” documents, it allows for faster distribution of documents, because the stored content can be uniquely tagged with a particular field, enabling a user to more narrowly focus a search. For example, a medical publisher can tag the word penicillin using an “allergies” (过敏) tag , so that the user gets only search results for the word penicillin within the context of the topic group “allergies.” XML is already a standard and is being adopted by the industry in droves (大批), including by the major search engines, and all the big sofware makers, including Microsoft Corp. The Street. com, an online investment and financial news Web site, plans to adopt XML as part of a new content management and e-commerce system for esrly 1999, so it can more early syndicate (v.通过报业辛迪加在多家报纸同时发表文章、漫画等) its content and streamline (v.精简) the editorial process. Workflow technology, software which manages a business process, will also be in widespread use to manage Web site publishing processes, DePalma said, adding that the accidental release of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics October payroll data last month could have been avoided with workflow. “Workflow is a gotta-have capability, ” DePalma said. 1. According to the passage , “another behind-the-scenes technology” refers to ______ . A.web pages B.web sites C.Extensible Markup Language D.th


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