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基于五力模型的铁路物流企业进入网络购物市场SWOT 分析1 谢广营,张耀荔,牛雅娟 (北京物资学院,北京,101149) 摘要:近年来,网络购物发展迅速,为物流服务行业提供了新的机遇。铁路部门发展现代物流、开展多元化经营, 网络购物市场对之则既是机会,又是挑战。从传统思维来看,铁路运输主要是大批量重载运输,不适合进入网络 购物这种零散运输市场。难道铁路物流企业对网络购物这个容量巨大且迅速增长的市场只能远远观望?对此,文 章则提出了不同观点。文章利用SWOT 分析方法,从铁路物流企业自身的优势、劣势以及面临的外部的机会和威 胁四个方面对其是否应该进入网络购物市场做出分析,并重点应用波特五力模型分析铁路物流企业进入网络购物 市场的障碍,最终得出结论,铁路物流企业进入网络购物市场利大于弊,铁路物流企业应当进入网络购物市场。 关键词:铁路运输;铁路物流企业;网络购物;波特五力模型;SWOT 分析 SWOT Analyses of Online Shopping Market for Railway Logistics Enterprises Based on Five Forces Model XIE Guangying, ZHANG Yao li, NIU Yajuan (Beijing Wuzi School, Beijing, 101149) Abstract : Online shopping developed fast in recent years, which offered new chances for logistics industry. To develop modern logistics and diversified business, it is not only an opportunity but also a challenge for railways. From traditional point, railway transport mainly targets on heavy haul instead of scattered goods transport such as online shopping. So dose that mean that the railway logistics just keep away from this huge and booming market? This paper would hold a different opinion. This paper analyzed the advantages and weakness of railway logistics enterprises as well as opportunities and threats of environment by SWOT analysis method to judge whether railway logistics enterprises should entry online shopping market or not. And also the barriers for railway logistics enterprises entering into the market are analyzed by using Michael Porters five forces mode. Finally, the conclusion is made that the advantages are stronger than disadvantages and railway logistics enterprises should enter into online shopping market. Keywords : railway transport, online shopping,


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