广东省六年级英语小升初专项冲刺训练: 完形填空19.docVIP

广东省六年级英语小升初专项冲刺训练: 完形填空19.doc

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广东省六年级英语小升初专项冲刺训练: 完形填空19.doc

广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空19 I __1_ to some students. I __2_ about safety rules when they were younger. Their rules were very good. John said, “I couldn’t play in the kitchen.” His mum and dad didn’t __3__ that. Jennifer __4_play the piano and she could also ___5_games in the living room. When her mum and dad __6_home, she couldn’t cook. Tom could play in the bedroom or the living room. He couldn’t play in the __7_or the kitchen. What were your __8_rules when you were young? __9_to younger students about these and __10__ them. (A) 1. A. talked B. speak C. said talk to sb.与…聊天 (A ) 2. A. asked B. say C. talk ask about 问 (B) 3. A. asked B. like C. liked 他的爸爸妈妈不喜欢那样。 (A ) 4. A. could B. can C. can’t 他可以在客厅弹钢琴。要用过去式。 (B) 5. A. played B. play C. do Could+动词原形。 (C) 6. A. were B. wasn’t C. weren’t 当父母不在家,她不会做饭。 7. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. living room 他不可以在浴室和厨房玩。 (A)8. A. safety B. safe C. safely Safety rules安全规则。 (C) 9. A. Talked B. Say C. Talk 祈使句,用动词原形。talk to 与…聊天。 (A) 10. A. help B. tell C. mind help sb.帮助某人。 When Mary Green was a 1 , she wanted to be a teacher, 2 she liked children. When she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she 3 a lot with the children in her class. They 4 her teaching. One day 5 of the girls in her class said to her, “Miss Green, 6 does a man’s hair become grey before his beard(胡子)does?” Mary laughed and answered, ‘I don’t know. Helen, do you know?” “I don’t know 7 , Miss Green,” said Helen, “but it happened to my father.” The 8 children in the class laughed when they heard this. Then a boy said, “I 9 , Miss Green! A man’s hair becomes grey 10 because it’s sixteen years older than his beard.” 1.A.woman B. student C. teacher D. wife 当玛丽是学生时,她想做老师。 2. A. so B. but C. that D. because 因为 3. A. cried B. shouted C. learned D. laughed 在课堂上经常和学生开玩笑。 (B) 4. A. ref


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