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* * 第4章 学术论文写作常见问题与错误分析(sentence writing) 1词类(冠词、连词、数词、介词、副词、形容词、名词) 2否定,形容词和副词比较等级 3 动词非谓语形式 4 从句 5 句子成分的强调 6 倒装 7 省略 8 分隔修饰 动词不定式 1.动词不定式作主语,用it作形式主语 It remains now for us to determine this coefficient. 常用句型 It is possible to do… It is necessary to do… It takes/requires ….to do… It is desired to do… 练习 1.借助于计算机(with the help of a computer)设计一种新型的飞机只需要几个月的时间。(用it takes…) 2.如果想要求出这个力来,我们可以使用平行四边形法(parallelogram method)。(用it is desired…) 3.证明这个公式(formula)成立就留为读者(reader)的一个习题。 (It is left as …… to show …) 1.It takes only a few months to design a new type of airplane with the help of a computer. 2.If it is desired to find out this force, we may use the parallelogram method. 3.It is left as a problem for/to readers to show that this formula holds. The ability (tendency) of A to do B Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do work. 2. 动词不定式做定语 R is the resistance to be measured. We have defined length and time units with which to measure α. 练习 1.这山谷(valley)用作为建坝(dam)的基础(foundation)。 This valley is used as the foundation __ which to _______. 2. 要执行(execute)的程序储存在这一单元中。 3.电容器(capacitor)贮存(store)电荷(charge)的能力受几个因素(factor)的影响。 1.This valley is used as the foundation on which to build the dam. 2.The program to be executed is stored in this unit. 3.The ability of a capacitor to store charges is affected/influenced by a few factors. 3.名词性不定式(一般不用why引导) 我们得求出使X为多大才能使这不等式成立。 We have to find how large to make x so as for this inequality to hold. 练习 我们得求出使r为多大才能使该级数(series)收敛(converge )。 现在我们来考虑选取哪一条积分路径(what path of integration)。 We have to find out how large to make r so as for the series to converge. Now we consider what path of integration to take. 4.复合不定式 (1)若不定式的逻辑主语不是后面句子的主语,表达“为了使…” 要使用不定式复合结构作状语,不使用“to make…” 。 For a transistor to function normally, it is necessary to apply proper voltages to its electrodes. 而不写成: To make a transistor function normally, …… 练习 1.为了使这个级数收敛,X必须小于1。 2.为使这支晶体管导通(conduct),其基极必须大约为1.8伏。 For this series to converge, x mus


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