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The Java Language:
A White Paper Overview
Harry H. Porter III
Portland State University
May 5, 2002
Table of Contents
Abstract 4
Introduction 4
Charater Set 4
Comments 5
Identifiers 5
Reserved Words (Keywords) 6
Primitive Data Types 6
Boolean 7
Integers 8
Floating-Point 8
Numerical Operations 9
Character and String Literals 9
Implicit Type Conversion and Explicit Casting 10
Pointers are Strongly-Typed 12
Assignment and Equality Operators 14
Instanceof 15
Pointers in Java (References) 15
Operator Syntax 16
Expressions as Statements 18
Flow of Control Statements 19
Arrays 21
Strings 23
Classes 25
Object Creation 27
Interfaces 28
Declarations 30
Types: Basic Types, Classes, and Interfaces 32
More on Interfaces 33
Garbage Collection 34
Object Deletion and Finalize 35
Accessing Fields 35
Subclasses 36
Access Control / Member Visibility 37
Sending Messages 40
Arguments are Passed by Value 42
“this” and “super” 43
Invoking Static Methods 44
Method Overloading 45
Method Overriding 46
Overriding Fields in Subclasses 47
Final Methods and Final Classes 48
Anonymous Classes 49
The “main” Method 50
Methods in Class “Object” 51
Variables of Type Object 52
Casting Object References 52
The “null” Pointer 53
“Static Final” Constants 53
Abstract Methods and Classes 54
Throwing Exceptions 56
Contracts and Exceptions 62
Initialization Blocks 65
Static initialization blocks 66
Wrapper Classes 67
Packages 68
Threads 70
Locking Objects and Classes 71
Strict Floating-Point Evaluations 73
Online Web Resources 73
Please email any corrections to the author at: 74
This document provides a quick, yet fairly complete overview of the Java language. It does not discuss the principles behind object-oriented programming or how to create good Java programs; instead it focuses only on describing the language.
Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It is spreading quickly due to a number of good decisions in its design. Java grew out of several la
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