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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:基于CPLD/FPGA的数字温度表的设计 基于CPLD/FPGA的数字温度表的设计 摘 要 微型计算机的出现使现代的科学研究得到了质的飞跃,而EDA技术大规模可编程逻辑器件CPLD/FPGA成本低、周期短、可靠性高给设计人员进行产品开发带来了诸多方便。FPGA来实现数字温度表的各种相关功能。 本文主要介绍由FPGA器件实现的数字温度表的系统组成以及工作原理,从硬件和软件两个方面阐述了如何通过FPGA器件实现数字温度表系统功能。此系统利用温度传感器AD590采集温度信号,产生的温度信号经调零,放大处理后,利用A/D转换器ADC0804将模拟信号转换成数字信号,将数字信号送入EPF10K10LC84-4进行处理,最后送入显示电路,由数码管显示温度值。该温度表具有结构简单,抗干扰能力强,功耗小,可靠性高,速度快反应时间短等优点。 关键词:数字温度表 CPLD/FPGABased on the CPLD / FPGA design of digital thermometers ABSTRACT The emergence of micro-computers to modern scientific research has been a qualitative leap, and EDA technologies is the emergence of modern industrial control and daily life has brought great convenience, large-scale programmable logic device CPLD / FPGA to lower costs , The cycle of short, high reliability, to the design staff in product development has brought a lot of convenience. The system design is the application of digital thermometers FPGA digital thermometers to achieve the various related functions. This paper introduced by the FPGA device to achieve a system of digital thermometers and the composition of principle, from both hardware and software on the device through the FPGA Digital Thermometer system. This system uses temperature sensors AD590 acquisition temperature signal, the signal-zero temperatures, to enlarge processed, the use of A / D converter ADC0804 analog signals into digital signals, digital signals will be sent to EPF10K10LC84-4 processing, the final delivery To show circuit, the digital display of temperature. The thermometer is simple in structure, anti-interference capability and power of small, high reliability, speed, short reaction time and other advantages. Key words: digital thermometers CPLD / FPGA Temperature Sensor A / D converter 目 录 一 前言 1 1.1 数字测温系统 1 1.2 论文意义 1 1.3 论文内容 1 二 系统的软硬件描述 2 2.1 可编程逻辑器件FPGA 2 2.2 温度传感器AD590的介绍 2 2.3 AD转换器ADC0804 3 2.4 硬件描述语言VHDL 4 2.5 数字开发工具MAX+PLUS II 5 2.5.1 MAX+PLUS II开发系统的特点 5 2.5.2 MAX+PLUS II


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