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综合英语2——Unit 3 本单元学习重点 preview Lesson 15 What kind of person are you looking for? Lesson 16 Who’s it by? Lesson 17 I’m looking for someone … Lesson 18 What’s it about? Lesson 19 I’ve got a friend who’s a cabinetmaker. Lesson 20 Your turn Lesson 21 Stranger in a Strange Land Joy Luck Club 综合英语2——Unit 3 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview 表示“照顾,照看”的词 take care of, mind, watch (by), look after, care for Q: Who is taking care of the children nowadays while their parents both go out to work? 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview 3. Some are minded by family day-care providers. 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview 2. minority: 少数 The minority of the class voted John to be the chairman of the Student Union. 班上少数人选举约翰做学生会主席。 3. traditional 传统的 traditionally传统地 4. pattern 模式 5. stay-at-home 留在家里的(临时编造出来的词,常做形容词) a car with a kiss-me-not note at the back window后车窗上写着“请保持距离”的车 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview 十米高的树 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview I don’t mind cigarette smoke. 我不在乎香烟味儿。(v. ) She stayed at home and minded the baby. 她待在家里照顾婴儿。(v.) 7. common 共同的,公共的 8. arrangement 安排 9. baby-sit 代人临时照顾小孩 10. baby-sitter 保姆 11. relative 亲戚 综合英语2——Unit 3 Preview 12. option 供选择的事物/做法 13. day-care 日托 14. provider 供给者,供应者,养家者 15. provide v. 供应,供给,准备,预防,规定 16. staff 雇佣职员 17. license (=licence) n. 执照,许可证 18. licensed adj. 领有执照的,许可的 19. latchkey kids 挂钥匙的小孩 综合英语2——Unit 3 Lesson 15 综合英语2——Unit 3 Lesson 15 5. count on: depend on 依靠,依赖 In case of such difficulties, I can always count on him, his wisdom and courage. 在类似的困难面前,我永远可以信赖他,他的智慧和勇气。 6. once in a while 偶尔 from time to time 7. know of: have some information about 知道某人/某事的情况 你知道比尔.史密斯吗? 你说那个流行歌手吗?我听说过他,但我从没亲眼见过他。 综合英语2——Unit 3 Lesson 15 Do you know of Bill Smith? Do you mean the pop singer? I’ve heard of him, but never seen him personally. 我并不认识他,但我知道/听说过他。 8. to be laid off: unemployed, to lose one’s job because the employer doesn’t have enough work to keep all the employees busy 失业下岗 lay-off n. 临时解雇 laid-off adj. 下岗的


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