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专业英语Ⅱ 目录 科技英语单句写作 科技英语论文写作 英汉翻译 句子解释 参考教材 《科技英语写作教程》,秦荻辉著,西安电子科技大学出版社。 《实用科技英语写作技巧》,秦荻辉著,上海外语教育出版社。 《英汉翻译教程》,张培基等,上海外语教育出版社。 《科技英语阅读高级教程》秦荻辉著,西安电子科技大学出版社。 第一章 科技英语单句写作 第一节 词类—冠词 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 第三节 动词非谓语形式 第四节 从句—状语从句 第一节 词类—冠词 1.一般应加冠词的情况 (1)在单数可数名词前一般要有冠词,泛指时多用不定冠词 用a还是an,取决于不定冠词后紧跟的第一个音素(而不是第一个字母) (2)对前面已提到过的东西、心目中特指的东西、带有后置修饰语(短语或从句)的特指的东西前一般应使用定冠词 例句 This is an n-valued function. A magnet has an S pole and an N pole. Sudden changes of voltage in an RLC circuit may produce ringing. This is an 8-volt battery. A UFO appeared in the sky last night. 例句 The use of trigonometry to describe the electrical signal has proved very valuable for engineers. The control of system is an interdisciplinary subject. In Chap.1 the analysis of diode was discussed in terms of three general methods. The design of control systems depends greatly on the application of complex-variable theory. The reader should be aware that the binary data code is converted to base 10 for human consumption. 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (1)泛指的物质名词或不可数名词 Electricity is widely used in industry and agriculture. Electrical energy can be changed by electric motors into mechanical energy. Machines are run by electricity. 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (2)论文的标题、书籍名称等的冠词可以省略 Introduction to computers. Study of phase-locked loops. 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (3)专有名词一般不加冠词 Beijing University(单个词表示的国家名称或一个地名名词加“大学”构成的专有名词前不加冠词) The Department of Computer Science(由三个或三个以上的普通单词构成的单位或国家名称前要加定冠词) 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (4)图题中一般可以省去冠词 Figure 2-1 Generation of sine wave by vertical component of rotating vector.(英美人习惯在图示说明后用句号,不论它是否是一个句子) Figure 2-5 Effect of ammeter resistance on current in circuit. 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (5)某些可数名词单数形式在泛指时可省去冠词 Ohm first discovered the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. A transistor consists of three parts: emiter, base and collector. 第一节 词类—冠词 2.一般不加冠词的情况 (6)表示独一无二的人之前不用冠词 The unit of power is a joule per second, which is called a wa


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