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8) The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous. 中国菜色香味俱全。 9) The evil which they did lives after them. // 他们所做的坏事将遗臭万年。 Reading: P1---51. 参考书目: 维特根斯坦,1953, Philosophical Investigations.《哲学研究》,李步楼译,北京:商务印书馆,1996。 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TRANSLATION Unit 1 翻译标准 Begin by a story: Tower of Babel Outline of the Course Teaching schedule Methods: lectures, presentations, discussions, practice course book Reference Books: 范仲英, 《实用翻译教程》, 外语教学研究出版社,1994。 黄洋楼,《英汉互译实用技巧》,华南理工大学出版社,2003。 张培基等,《英汉翻译教程》。 Useful Websites: / 教学目标: 能够了解翻译的历史、 翻译的标准、 范畴、 具体的翻译方法。 1. What is translation Discuss with your partners: How do you perceive translation? As a language activity? As an art? As a kind of cross-cultural communication? As a job? As a subject? Why? My Understanding A language activity: one of the five skills in learning English An art: the processes as well as the product Communication: translation or die Job: for some people, it is a job Subject: to learn translation theory and skills, it is no doubt a science. Translation is also a good way to develop your own language, both native and foreign language. 2. History of Translation in China 1)佛经翻译时期,从东汉开始至唐宋,1000余年(鸠摩罗什 ,真谛,玄奘) 2)明朝后期:传教士 重要人物:林纾、严复 3)中国近代翻译史:“五四”运动是分水岭; 重要人物:鲁迅、瞿秋白 4)繁荣阶段:新中国的成立 3.Scope of Translation 1)in terms of languages: 2)in terms of the mode: 3)in terms of materials to be translated: 4)in terms of disposal: (full-text translation, abridged translation, adapted translation) 4. Requirements of Translation 1)to master the languages skilfully; 2)to have a lot of exposure to both FL and L1; 3)Practise makes perfect 4)vital importance of general knowledge; (吕叔湘把翻译称为“杂学”) You will have to: read more; practice more; think more; discuss more 5.Background knowledge and translation 1)history background: “pen” in the 19th



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