2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》period 4 section b (2a—selfcheck)导学案 版.docVIP

2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》period 4 section b (2a—selfcheck)导学案 版.doc

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2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》period 4 section b (2a—selfcheck)导学案 版.doc

Unit1 What’s the matter? 学习目标 课标要求: 学会使用本课的词汇和句子,熟练运用所学复述3a,提高学生的阅读与写作能力。 本节教学目标: 认读单词: 1 breathing( )________ (动词) ________, 2习惯于做某事____________ ,3 危险____,4 冒险________,5 用尽________(同意词组)________,6小刀(单数)________(复数)________,7切除________,8离开,从…出来,下车________,9掌管,管理________(反义词组)________10 …的重要性________ ,11决定(动词)________(名词)________ ,12死亡(动词)________(名词)________(形容词)________,13 keep on doing sth________,14 放弃(做某事)________(同意词组)________,15 nurse(名词)________(动词)________ 掌握句型’s arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. 3 When his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. 4 After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. 5 With his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. 6 His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. 自主学习 Task1小组共同学习2a ,2b新单词及有用短语 1呼吸困难 ___________________________ 2 一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人____________ 3作为一名登山员 _____________________ 4最令人兴奋的一件事__________________ 5丧生 ________________________ 6目的是 ________________________ 7一本叫《在岩石与险境间》的书________ 8处于很危险的境地____________________ 9他自己 _______________________ 10习惯于做某事_______________________ 11一块2000千克的岩石 ____________ 12晒伤 _______________________ 13 意味着生与死_______________________ 14讲述 _______________________ Task2 Underlined the words in 2b you don’t know,then look up the words in a dictory. Task3 Read the text then check the questions in 2c . Task4 Read the passage again and answer the questions in 2d. Task5 Put the sentences in the correct order in 2e. Then tell the story to your partner. Task6 Talk about the acciednt or a health problem in 3a. What should they do ?or What shouldn’t they do? Task7 自主学习并完成Selfcheck 1。写出身体各部位名称及相关的健康问题。以小组形式展示。 Task8 Selfcheck2标序号,并编写对话,小组展示。 Task9 针对不同的健康问题,提出合理的建议。并与班级分享。 我的疑问 自主学习后,我还有不明白的问题: _______________________________________



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