2014人 教新目标英语八下unit1《What’s the matter》section b 2a-2e导学案.docVIP

2014人 教新目标英语八下unit1《What’s the matter》section b 2a-2e导学案.doc

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2014人 教新目标英语八下unit1《What’s the matter》section b 2a-2e导学案.doc

Unit1 What’s the matter? Section B 2a—2e Topic Unit1 What’s the matter? Section B 2a—2e (阅读课) ⑸ 让学生根据课文的理解复述课文 3. 当堂检测: ⑴根据首字母写单词 ① Many climbers like to take r in their lives. ② Be careful. A car may h you. ③ In different s , we should always keep calm. ④ By the sea, there are many r . ⑤ We cut things with a k . ⑵ 用所给词的适当形式填空 ① Finally, he made a (decide) to go to Beijing. ② Everyone knows the (important)of studying English. ③ Lily is (interest)in the (interest) stories. ④ We all hope (win )the game. ⑤ After (eat)supper, we often take a walk. 4. 小结: Ⅲ. Post-class 1作业:背诵本课时重点词汇、短语、句型。 2完成大本文曲星Unit1SB习题 3收获与反思: 【Blackboard Design】 Unit 1 What’s the matter? be used to He is used to hard work. She is used to getting up early. run out of I have run out of paper. The dog ran out of the room. Our food will soon run out. 【Study-aims】 知识目标:掌握6、7页单词和短语。 能力目标:掌握课文中的重点词汇及相关短语,并灵活运用。 情感目标:主动去救助处于危险境地的人, 在生死抉择之际, 需有勇气做出正确的决定。 学习策略:“推理判断法”解阅读理解题。 文化意识:在生死抉择之际, 需有勇气做出正确的决定。 【Key difficult points】1 单词accident, importance, decision and death 的用法。 2 短语be used to 的用法。 【Learning procedure】 I. Pre-class 1. 翻译下列短语 ⑴ 用完 耗尽 ⑵ 习惯于 ⑶做决定 ⑷ 放弃 ⑸ 失去生命 ⑹ 继续做某事 2 阅读2b,完成2c、2d 和2e的练习。 3. 知识超市: 1)be used to 意为“习惯于……”,后接名词、代词或动名词, He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。 She is used to getting up early. 她习惯于早起。 2)run out of 是“动词+副词+介词”的短语。of 后接宾语, 主语通常是表示“人”的名词。 I have run out of paper. 我的纸用完了。 【拓展】1) run out of 也可以表示“从……跑出来”的意思。 The dog ran out of the room. 这条狗从房间里跑了出来。 2) sth. run(s) out 表示“某物用完了” Our food will soon run out. 我们的食物快吃完了。 II. While-class 1. 导入新课 Making good decisions is very important when you are in trouble. Do you know the book“Between a Rock and a Hard Place”? Now let’s read the passage of


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