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学校代码:10254 密 级: 论文编号: 上海海事大学 SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文 MASTER THESIS 论文题目: 学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名: 指导教师: 韩忠华 教授 完成日期: 二零零八年六月 English Translation of Foreign Publicity Material ---From a Skopos Perspective By Miao Xiaojun Under the Supervision of Professor Han Zhonghua A Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Maritime University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MA Degree Shanghai Maritime University June, 2008 English Translation of Foreign Publicity Material -From a Skopos Perspective Introduction The implementation of China’s reform and opening-up policy and the increase of international exchanges have started a new era in the nation’s long history of communication with foreign countries. Never before has China caught the whole world’s attention and nor has foreign publicity. “It was on September 1st, 1944 that Xinhua News Agency set up its English Broadcasting Department…This marked the official beginning of foreign publicity by Xinhua News Agency.” (刘家林, 2005: 478). Foreign publicity translation, as a form of practical translation once neglected by Chinese translators in their translation studies, has been drawing more and more attention for the last decade. Whether or not we can bridge the gap between different cultures and avoid unnecessary mutual misunderstanding depends to a high degree on its foreign publicity translation. A well translated publicity material contributes to the good reputation of the government, just as “绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运”(Environment-friendly ,culture-enriched and technology-propelled Olympics ) and “禁止烟火”(No smoking)do, while a poor one often results in misunderstanding, and even damage to the reputation of the government. Media such as China Daily, China Today and Beijing Review are the models of good translations of foreign publicity, they are popular among readers both at home



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