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摘 要 模具的生产技术水平已成为衡量一个国家的水平的产品制造商的一项重要指标,因为模具决心很大程度上质量、效率和开发新产品的能力。目前,中国的工业生产的特点是产品的多样性、更新快和激烈的市场竞争。 光阴似梭,大学三年的学习一晃而过,为具体的检验这三年来的学习效果,综合检测理论在实际应用中的能力,除了平时的考试、实验测试外,更重要的是理论联系实际,即此次设计的课题为笔筒的注塑模具。本次设计以笔筒模具为主线,综合了成型工艺分析,模具结构设计,最后到模具零件的加工方法,模具总的装配等一系列模具生产的所有过程。在设计该模具的同时总结了以往模具设计的一般方法、步骤,模具设计中常用的公式、数据、模具结构及零部件。把以前学过的基础课程融汇到综合应用本次设计当中来,所谓学以致用。在设计中除使用传统方法外,同时引用了CAD、Pro/E等电脑软件,使用Office工具等现代化的电脑手段,力求达到减小劳动强度,提高工作效率的目的。 本次设计中得到了诸位老师的指点,非常感机械学院各位老师的精心教诲。 由于实际经验和理论技术有限,本设计的错误和不足之处在所难免,希望各位老师批评指正。 关键词:笔筒、点浇口、注塑模 ABSTRACT Here to enter the need to turn over a source of plastic materials, low price, quality and performance characteristics. it is in computers and mobile phones, cars and electrical and electronics, instruments, appliance and products manufacturing is an alternative to the role of the most widely used. an injection is a thermoplastic - concrete shape of the main method, the scope of application is very large. Been shaping the plastic materials in rolls of the material being heated, which has become a highly fluid bolts, or as the pressure of tools, the melted by regulated by a high pressure injection mould of form, after a cooling and solidify, and then die from the adjustment, as of plastic. The product is of daily use of plastic bottle, and with high practicability. the product design for mass production, the design molds to have high molding efficiency, the system can automatically release, in addition to ensure the quality of the surface forms a side gate and therefore use single cent for the injection, the side gate automatically release the structure of the type. the machine mold is a choice of a module four chambers structure, the system uses the side gate to push out of shape, form a board with the agency to complete the forms of the launch of the process. Key words:injection;side gate;a core. 目 录 第一章 塑件分析……………………………………………………x 1.1塑件描述及设计要求….……………………………………………………x 1.2塑件批量……………….……………………………………………………x 1.3塑件体积和质量计算…………………………………………………………x 第二章 注塑机的确定.………………………


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