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学科代码:560·25 1/25比例剪力墙结构模型振动台试验研究 1 2 周青 ,朱志辉 (1.同济大学 建筑工程系,上海 200092;2.中南大学 土木建筑学院,湖南长沙 410075) 摘 要:本文通过振动台试验,重点研究了原型剪力墙结构振型、位移响应、变形性能以及加速度响应等一系 列的抗震性能。使用北京波谱WS-Z50精密振动台系统对1/25比例七层剪力墙结构有机玻璃模型进行了一系列 试验,利用模态分析理论对采集到的加速度信号频谱分析,研究了结构的动力特性。同时,从结构时程反应分 析了结构在地震波作用下的加速度响应和放大系数、位移响应、变形性能、层间剪力以及应变分布情况。利用 ANSYS进行了模拟动力反应分析,得到结构自振特性以及在地震作用下动力响应的数值解。与试验结果的对比, 验证了ANSYS有限元数值分析结果。 关键词:剪力墙;振动台试验;ANSYS ;动力反应 中图分类号: TU317.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:A037 Shaking Table Test on 1/25 Scale Shear Wall Structure Model ZHOU Qing 1, ZHU Zhihui 2 (1. Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092; 2. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China) ABSTRACT:Through shaking table model test, the paper mainly analyzes a series of seismic behaviors, specifically the modal, displacement response, deformation property and acceleration response, of the shear wall prototype structure. Using shaking table system WS-Z50 provided by Beijing Wavespectrum Company, a serial of shaking table tests are carried out on the 1/25 scale shear w all structure model. On the basis of the modal analysis theory, dynamic characteristics of the structure are studied through spectrum analysis. Further more, acceleration response and its magnification factor, displacement response, deformation property, storey shear force as well as strain distribution are analyzed through time-history responses of the structure. Then a further dynamic analysis of the structure is progressed using finite element program ANSYS. The calculation results include numerical solution of free vibration characteristics and seismic responses of


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