Module 6《The Tang Poems》cultural corner and task课件1(33张PPT)(外研选修模块8).ppt

Module 6《The Tang Poems》cultural corner and task课件1(33张PPT)(外研选修模块8).ppt

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Module 6《The Tang Poems》cultural corner and task课件1(33张PPT)(外研选修模块8).ppt

Overlook at Lushan Fall Li Bai(701-762) Over the burner mist rises in the sunshine, On the hillside afar, a fall seems to lie. The 3000-foot-long fall is straight to fly Is the Milky Way falling from the sky? 望庐山瀑布 李 白(701-762) 日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。 飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。 D.Exploration Find out your favorite Tang poem and translate it into English. 外研版高中英语第八册 Module 6 The Tang Poems Task: Talking about a Chinese poet Module 6 The Tang Poems Introduction Reading and Vocabulary (1) A. Introduction B1. Skimming B. While-reading C. Post-reading D.Exploration B2.Scanning 学习策略:I S S S E INTEREST SKIMMING SKANNING SUMMARY EXPLORATION 传统“遗传式”教学注重知识的传授;新课程理念注重学生学习方法的培养,使学生学会学习,最终获得终生学习的能力。 Chinese poems on the London Underground 中国诗歌进入伦敦地铁 CRI Exclusive(独家新闻)by Li Rui - Chinese poems are set to decorate Londons Underground soon. A good rain knows its proper time, it waits until the Spring to fall. It?drifts in on the wind, steals in by night, its fine drops drench, yet make no sound at all. The well-known poem, written by the poet sage(圣人) Du Fu, is one of the famous poems that will land in London. Other poems from Li Bai and Bai Juyi will also soon be enjoyed by the British public. ( 2006 - 2 - 6 ) A. Introduction: CRI (中国国际广播电台) Step 1: Read two pieces of news. (2006-04-24 from page 4, 21st Century Teens Senior Edition Issue No.222) Poetry goes underground 英国诗歌走进上海地铁 THIS month saw the start of a cross-cultural programme bringing Britain and China closer together. The Shanghai metro (地铁) will display poems by four British poets in a groundbreaking cultural exchange between the worlds two most popular languages and its oldest and newest subway networks. As part of the deal, the London underground is displaying lines in English from some of Chinas great wordsmiths: Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. 资源策略:充分利用网络、报刊及新闻信息,积极传播中国文化,认识世界,了解国事、家事、身边事。 The world’s first compulsory education law 1986 Poems went into London underground Chinese poems on the



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