Unit 13 lesson4《People》First Impression课件1(14张PPT)(北师大版必修5).pptVIP

Unit 13 lesson4《People》First Impression课件1(14张PPT)(北师大版必修5).ppt

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Unit 13 lesson4《People》First Impression课件1(14张PPT)(北师大版必修5).ppt

Answer the questions 1. Where does the story take place? in the local library 2. What kind of books does Jenny like? poetry 3. What exam was Jane studying for? an important science exam 4. What was the last straw for Jane? She heard someone humming behind her 5. What kind of person do you think Jenny is friendly, warm-hearted, forgiving 6. How did Jenny get Jane’s phone number? She asked a librarian and got it from the library files. 7. Do you think that Jane over-acted in the library? Have you ever experienced a similar situation when you were studying? Language points: Concentrate: focus…on, fix…on/upon 集中于… 我饿了就无法集中精力工作. I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m hungry. 恐怖分子把活动集中在主要供给路线上. The terrorists concentrated their activities on the main supply routes. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面. This year the company has concentrated on improving its efficiency. Frustrate: having a feeling of disappointment or dissatisfaction 挫败,不如意 1 After two hours’ _______ delay, our train at last arrived. 2 I’m feeling rather ________ in my present job; I need a change. 3 The players’ ________ mounted增加 as the rain continued to pour down outside. 4 Life is full of ____________. frustrating frustrated frustration frustrations Confide: to tell personal matters secretly to a person one trusts 吐露秘密 他私下向我吐露,他蹲过5年牢. He confided to me that he had spent 5 years in prison. Tom felt he could confide in his brother. 汤姆觉得他可以对自己的兄弟无话不谈. Confide in: talk freely to sb and be confident that one’s secret can be kept.向某人吐露秘密 Translate the following phrases; 1 for the first time 2 in a terrible mood 3 glare at 4 glance at 5 out of interest 6 wipe the frown off my face 7 There wasn’t steam coming out of my ears. 8 in the meanest way 9 the rest of 10 blush with shame 11 couldn’t resist chucking at this 课文填空 1. The last------------was when I heard someone humming behind me. 2. I turned around and ------------the person who was humming. 3. and-----------------



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