Unit 3《Understanding each other》Reading课件2(27张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

Unit 3《Understanding each other》Reading课件2(27张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

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Unit 3《Understanding each other》Reading课件2(27张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points 1.accumulate vt/vi 积累 1. He quickly accumulated a large fortune. 2. They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data. 堆积, 越积越多 1. If you don’t clear away the rubbish regularly, it will just accumulate. 2. In course of the years many books had accumulated in the house. 3. A pile of work accumulated on his desk. 2.tradition n 传统观念、看法等的总称(不可数) 1. What one thinks and feels is mainly due to tradition, habit and education. 2. It’s part of the tradition of our race. follow / break tradition 遵循 / 打破传统 一种传统习俗做法 (可数) 1. Celebrating Christmas at Aunt Jean’s is a family tradition. 2. It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses. 代代相传, 传说 (不可数) 1. These songs have been preserved by tradition. 2. According to tradition, the author of the Iliad and Odyssey was a blind poet named Homer. traditional adj. 传统的,惯例的 traditional foods 传统食物 3.time 短语 all the time一直地 1. It rained all the time. 2. I kept it all the time to remind me of you. at a time 一次,连续地 Take the pills two at a time. sleep for hours at a time 连续睡几小时 at all times 随时;永远 1. We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings. 2. We must at all times keep up with changing conditions. at one time 一度, 过去曾经 1. At one time I lived in Japan. 2. At one time I used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest now. 同时(做某事) They all tried to talk at one time. 过去大多数中学教师是男性, 但现在女教师比男教师多多了。 ——————————————— at the time 那时候 I told you at the time that I thought you were stupid. 4. celebration n 庆祝 (不可数) 1. I suppose we shall be having some sort of celebration for the bride. 2. All night long the celebration of victory went on. 庆祝活动(可数) There were celebrations in the streets. Even at St. Thomas’ Academy there was a celebration. 3. That evening we organized a in celebration of 为庆祝... The party was held in celebration of mother’s silver wedding. celebrate vt.庆祝(节日等) 5. clarify vt 阐明, 澄清 1. His explanation


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