省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第1课时)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.docVIP

省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第1课时)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第1课时)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? The First Period ( Section A 1a-2d ) Date: Name: 【Preview Aims 预习目标】 掌握本课时的新单词和短语,并运用。 通过听、说,学习不同琐事表达法及礼貌、委婉的地提出要求的表达,并运用。 预习导学 【Preview Tasks 预习任务】 Task 1 Words 预习指导 反思 单词 词性 词义 rubbish fold sweep floor mess 根据音标掌握新单词的读音,标注其词性词义。 Task 2 Phrases 预习指导 反思 短语 中文意思 do the dishes 洗餐具 浏览课本P17,试着找出与家务琐事相关的英语表达,完成表格,自己朗读。 课堂活动 【展示】 Step1 Preview Feedback 1. Free talk Do you often do housework for your parents? What kind of chores can you do? 2. Say out the chores he/she is doing according to the pictures. Step 2 Listening Practice Activity 1b 1. Before listening Please look at the picture in 1a and guess. ① Who are the two people in the picture? ② Where are they? ③ What are they talking about? 2. While listening 1)Listen to the recording and finish 1b. 2)Listen to the recording a second time and fill in the blanks. Mom: Peter, we need to . Your grandma is coming over at seven. Peter: Sure, but I need to do my homework first. Mom: OK. Then after you finish your homework, let’s the kitchen. I can do the dishes and the floor. take out the . Peter: Sure, Mom. Mom: Good. And make your bed and your clothes? Peter: All right. Mom: And let’s see… I have to clean the living room before your grandma arrives. 3. After listening. Role-play the conversation above. Activity 2a 2b 1. Listen to the recording the first time and finish 2a. 2. Listen to the recording the second time and finish 2b. Step 3 Group work Work in groups and practice the sentence pattern “Could you please…?”, “Could I …?” Ask your group members one by one. Step 4 Consolidation 1. do the dishes 洗餐具 2. sweep the floor 拖地 3. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 4. make the bed 整理床铺 5. fold the clothes 叠衣服 6. get a ride 搭顺风车 7. help out with sth. 帮助解决 8. any minute 任何时候;随时 训练反馈 I. 单项选择 Your room is in mess now. W



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