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毕业设计(论文) 课题名称 学生姓名 学 号 机械与能源工程系 专 业 机械制造设计及自动化 指导教师 讲 师 2011年 月 日The hydraulic pump has sizable demand in nowadays industrial society as an important motive equipment in hydraulic transmission. Model 63CY14-1B axial column this text mention fill in pump relatively common first hydraulic pump among them. The author passes authors office correctly - - Shao Yang wei ke Hydraulic Company, Ltd. sales situation of pump for 2005-2006 year speak conduct investigation count, find: Model 63CY14-1B axial column fill in pump serious to use more one kind of high-frequency hydraulic pump now. Therefore choose this type pump to improve. This text proceeds with basic principle of the hydraulic pump first, combine the characteristic of filling in pump of axial column of Model 63CY14-1B, compare the introduction, let readers have a preliminary understanding to the hydraulic pump. Then analyze , fill to Model 63CY14-1B axial column what place need improvement pump? And with what factors to have something to do with and unite in these places ? The explanation progressively , the origin designed in improvement, and design the step. Fill axial column of Model 63CY14-1B in the improvement of the pump this time, mainly start with reducing the noise. And fill in 3 of the pump noise to rub pair in influencing the axial column of the Model 63CY14-1B: With mix oil friction , variable head and slippery friction , column of boots of record fill in with column friction to fill hole cylinder block. Find out main friction again - -Cylinder block and mixing the friction of the oil one, improve. Find experiment , mix oil mouse length of tail of plate influence noise of pump directly, then the author passes a series of experiments to the



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