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  人工湿地数学模型模拟与应用 1 2 朱永青  林卫青 (1., 200051;2., 200233)    、、、, 。 , 3 。 , , 。, 。        1 2 Wastewater purifi cation in constructed wetland Zhu Yongqin , L in Weiqin .(1.Colleg e of Environmental S cience and E n - g ineer ing, Dong hua Un ivers ity , S hang ha i 200051;2.S hang hai E nvironmental R esearch I nstitu te, S hang hai 200233) Abstract: A properly designed and operated constructed wetland ecosystem is often the most cost effective wastewater treatment alternative.Removalmechanisms for suspended solids, organic, nitrogen and phosphoruscompounds in wastewater are presented.Available w etland models, including S TW T Model of University of Virginia and PR W T Model of US 2 Corp of ngineers, are introduced.The PR W T Model simulation of a 20 km wetland is presented as an example;the predicted removal rates for total suspended solids (26.5%)and total phosphorus (3.0%)are in close agreements with the actual data of 29.5% and 3.0%, respectively.Future wetland models incorporating more interactive factors and/or better software will facilitate simulations for design and evaluation of wetland projects. Keywords: Constructed wetland Wastew ater treatment Pollutant removal mechanism Simulation model   ,, 。()- [1] , -、 , ,; 、、、 ,, [2] , 。, , [3]88 、、 。、 。、、 ,, ; 、、、 、 [3]88 [6] , 。 。 [7]   , 、 ; 、 [8,9] , 。 [4]23, [5],   , 。 (FWS)(SSF)。FWS , ,(


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