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中文摘要 模具生产的工艺水平及科技含量的高低,已成为衡量一个国家科技与产品制造水平的重要标志,它在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益、新产品的开发能力,决定着一个国家制造业的国际竞争力。根据国内和国际模具市场的发展状况,有关专家预测,未来我国的模具经过行业结构调整后,将呈现十大发展趋势:一是模具日趋大型化;二是模具的精度将越来越高;三是多功能复合模具将进一步发展;四是热流道模具在塑料模具中的比重将逐渐提高;五是气辅模具及适应高压注射成型等工艺的模具将有较大发展;六是模具标准化和模具标准件的应用将日渐广泛;七是快速经济模具的前景十分广阔;八是压铸模的比例将不断提高,同时对压铸模的寿命和复杂程度也将提出越来越高的要求;九是塑料模具的比例将不断增大;十是模具技术含量将不断提高,中高档模具比例将不断增大,这也是产品结构调整所导致的模具市场未来走势的变化。模具制造技术现代化是模具工业发展的基础。塑料模具 全套CAD图纸,联系153893706 ABSTRACT Die in accordance with domestic and international market development, the experts predicted that Chinas future after the mold industry structure adjustment, the top 10 will show a trend of development: First, the increasingly large die and the other is the precision molds will become more and more high-third is Multi-functional complex mold will be further developed; Four die in a hot runner in the plastic mold will gradually increase the proportion of Fifth mold and gas-assisted injection molding, and other high-voltage adaptation of the mold will have greater development of standardization and 6 Die Die is the standard The pieces will be increasingly widespread application; seven rapid economic mold is very broad prospects for; eight die-casting mould is the ratio will continue to increase, while the die-casting mould of the magnitude and complexity of life will also be raised higher and higher requirements for the plastic mold of the 9 Will continue to increase ratio of 11 is the mold will continue to improve the technological content, in the proportion of high-grade mold will continue to increase, this product is the result of the restructuring mold the future trend of changes in the market. ? Die die manufacturing technology modernization is the basis for industrial development. With the plastic products around us of the increasingly wide, many pieces of metal by some modification of the slowly replaced by plastic. Plastics Industry has been the rapid development, its development has driven the development of plastic injection mould,


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