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本科毕业论文 短信文学:文学渗透的新领域 所在院系: 中文系 所在专业:汉语言文学专业 中文摘要 进入信息时代以后,文学的渗透力超过了任何人的想象,计算机及其网络的出现引起了文学的又一次发展。2004年7月,广东文学院第二界签约作家千夫长以一篇仅有4200字的“长篇小说”《城外》宣告了短信文学作为文学的一种新样式登上了文学的舞台。短信文学作为网络文学发展的一种重要形式亦引起了文学界的关注,有很多人对此提出了质疑,然而今天我们不得不承认短信文学成为网络时代人们一种新的生活方式,它大大加速了中国文化的交流和整合,成为中国乃至世界文化发展的一种新催化剂。目前,文学界对短信文学的肯定还比较模糊,亦没有对短信文学进行深层的剖析,为了让人们更加深入地了解短信文学,更快地接受这个文学的新样式,本文对短信文学进行了进一步探讨,概括了短信文学的定义,提出了短信文学的特征:独特的文学性、新颖的思想性、娱乐性、精短性,并对短信文学的现状进行了总结,对短信文学的未来进行了展望,并切合技术的发展预测了短信文学发展的三种趋势:多媒体化、非地域化、非赛化。这些观点的提出使人们更加清晰的懂得短信文学确实是文学的一种新样式,并且有着旺盛的生命力和广阔的发展前途,用强有力的证据捍卫了短信文学——这个文学渗透的新领域。 关键词: 短信文学;文学;特征;创新 Content summary:enter the information for ages hereafter, the permeate of literature dint exceeded anyones imagination, the emergence of the calculator and its network caused the literature of develop once again.In July 2004, college of arts of Guangdong the second boundary makes a contract thousand mans of writer long with a have 4200 novels of the words only 《 city outside 》 announced the message literature to be the satge that a kind of new style of the literature ascended the literature.The message literature is the concern that a kind of important form of the network literature development also caused the literature field, the many people puts forward to query to this, however we have to admit that the message literature becomes the network today a kind of new life style of people for ages, it accelerated the exchanges of the Chinese culture and integration consumedly, become China is to go to the culture of the world to develop a kind of new catalyst.This text carries on the first step study to the message literature, generalizing the message the definition of the literature, put forward the message the characteristic of the literature namely message literature of literature, thought sex and amuse sex, the compactness short, and to message literature of present condition carried on the summary, will carry on the outlook in the future literarily to the message.Among them put forward to the


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