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29 6 V o.l 29 N o. 6 2007 12 GAN SU M ETA LLURGY D ec. , 2007 : 167 244 61( 2007) 1, 2 1 韩海涛 , 刘继顺 ( 1. , 4 10083 2. , 74 1025) : S , , , , , , , , : : P 618. 5 P612 : A GeologicalCharacters and Prospecting Thread on Tianshui Section of North QinlingMountainsAuAgMultimetalsMetallogeneticOre Zone HAN H a itao1, 2, L IU J ishun1 ( 1. Cen tral South U n ivers ity, Changsha 4 10083, Ch ina 2. T ianshu i G eneral T eam of G an su Bu reau of G eo log ical and Ex ploration for N onferrou s M etals, T ianshu i 74 1025, C h ina) Abstract: T he go ld m ine of the T ian shu i sec tion in the north Q in ling M ounta in is located in the no rth side o f the inner arc o f reversed Ssh aped turn ing po int in the Q in ling o rogen ic be lt. The deposits are strictly contro lled by the eastw est m ultip le anticlines, and the ore ve in s are m a inly enr iched in the section sw here the secondary fo lds a re w e ll developed and in the lat e ra l side of interlaye r str ipp ing fau lted stru ctures. A s the stress action in the reg ion is m a in ly by the w ay of nea rhor izonta l slip, m any o re ve in s a re character ized w ith larg e depth ex ten sion but short e long ation. The tecton ic and m agm atic ac tiv ities in the reg ion are con tinu al and frequ ent , the m agm atic d ifferentiation be ing comp arative ly com plete and the ore so lution concentration being h ighe r. The ore app ears m a in ly in the typ e of m assive sulfides, go ld grade being re lative ly h igh. K ey ords: N


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