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四川动物 2010年 第 29卷 第 2期                  S ichuan Journa l of Zoology Vol29 No2 2010 TGA 对蟾蜍血清生理指标的影响 张红梅 (菏泽学院生命科学系动物学重点实验室 , 山东菏泽 2740 15)   摘要 :本试验利用生化检测方法 , 以健康的中华蟾蜍为实验动物 ,研究注射巯基乙酸对血液生理指标的影响 ,并 对其作用机理进行了初步探讨 。试验结果表明 ,随染毒 TGA 剂量增加 ,蟾蜍血清总蛋白、葡萄糖含量下降 ,胆固醇 、 甘油三酯含量上升 ;随染毒 TGA 时间的延长 ,血清总蛋白、葡萄糖含量先下降后上升但均低于对照组 ,胆固醇 、甘油 三酯含量先上升后下降但均高于对照组 。因此提示化工产品对生物的影响不容忽视 。 关键词 : 巯基乙酸 ; 中华蟾蜍 ; 生理指标 中图分类号 : Q955  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 1000 - 7083 (2010) 02 - 0220 - 04 Effect of Th ioglycolic A c id on the Phy siology In dex in B u fo ga rga r izan s ZHAN G Hongm ei (D ep artm ent of L ife Science s, H eze Co llege, H eze, Shandong Province 2740 15, Ch ina)  A b stract: The imp act of injected th ioglyco lic acid ( TGA ) on b lood of healthy B uf o g a rg a rizans was inve stigated by chec k ing several p hysio logical indices of b lood. The m echan ism of TGA on b lood wa s analyzed. The resu lts are as fo llow s: when the expo sure do se of TGA increa sed, the amounts of total p rotein and gluco se in serum fell, wherea s the amoun ts of choles tero l and triglyceride in serum increased; when the p eriod of TGA work ing on b lood wa s extended, the amoun ts of total p ro tein and gluco se in serum wou ld decrea se in itially and increa se sub sequen tly, wh ich were always lower than the se of the con tro l group , wherea s the fluctuation in the amoun ts of cholesterol and triglyceride in serum reversed and were always h igher than in the control group. Therefore effect of chem ical p roducts on an organ ism shou ld not be neglected.  Key words: th ioglycolic acid;B uf o g a rga rizans; physio logy index ( )   巯基乙酸 Th ioglyeo li


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