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# # 资源开发与市场Resource Deve opment Market 2008 24( 3) 李文训, 郭振花 ( 山东师范大学人口# 资源与环境学院, 山东济南, 2500 14) : 采用人口重心模型, 在GIS 技术支持下着重对 1989) 2005 年山东 人口重心迁移特征进行了研究, 并在此基础上分析人 口重心迁移的主要影响因素。结果显示, 山东 人口重心接近几何中心, 人口重心自东北向西南方向迁移的趋势明显, 其移动轨迹 呈现出一定的曲折和波动。山东 人口重心迁移受自然、社会经济和政策等多种因素的影响。 : 山东 ; 人口重心; 迁移; GIS : C922 : A : 1005- 8141( 2008) 03- 0234- 03 Study of Migr ation of Population Gra vity Cent er in Shan don g Pr ovince LI Wen - xun , GUO Zhen- hua ( Co ege of Popu ation, Resource and Environment , Shandong Norma University, Jinan 250014, China) Abstr act : Using popu ation gravity cent er mode an d GIS techno ogy, this paper made emph ases on the study of the ch aract eristics of the migra2 tion of popu ation gravity cent er from 1989 to 2005 in Shandong Province. And b ased on it , the inf uence factors of the moving of the popu ation gravity center were ana yzed. The resu t s showed th at th e popu ation gravity center approached the geometry cent er in Shandong Province, the trend that pop2 u ation gravity center move from north east to southwest was obvious, an d the migration orbit of popu ation gravity center demonstrated cert ain f uctua2 tion .Th e migration of popu ation gravity center in Shandong Province was main y affect ed by many factors su ch as nature, socio- economic factor and po icy, etc. Key wor ds: Shandong Provin ce; popu ation gravity cent er; migration; Geographica Information System 人口重心是研究区域内某时刻人口分布在空间平 可以通过一定数学模型计算得出。设某个区域由n 个 面上力矩达到平衡的点, 它与区域几何中心的比较常


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