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某店POS积分管理系统 —商品分类,交易状况统计 摘 要 现在,百货店已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分,而为了给客户提供更方便的服务平台,给商家提供更有效的管理手段设计了POS积分管理系统。 向消费者发放积分这种手段在国内外各百货店都是很流行的。有了积分卡,消费者可以通过参加各种积分活动获得更多礼品或打折的利益,商家也可以通过发放积分这种方式来提升自己的市场竞争力,增加社会经济效益,从而使商家和消费者都能获利。 在整个系统中我主要负责用于分析的商品分类数据生成和用于分析的分店铺交易状况统计两个模块,它们在系统中起着重要的作用。商品分类数据文件是根据其他模块生成的数据文件信息,按照指定的格式和要求生成一份具有分析价值的新的数据文件。而用于分析的分店铺交易状况统计是对各个分店铺在某交易日的交易情况的统计,对商家来说具有很强的市场参考分析价值。 系统是基于日文版Windows 2000操作系统,采用C#.NETSQL SERVER 2000的数据库来实现的。 关键词:计算机应用技术;信息管理系统;POS;商品分类;交易情况 An Integral Management of POS System for a Department Store 桽tatistics to aCommodity Classification and Transaction Data Abstract Nowadays, shopping in department store has become an essential part of our life. In order to offering a more convenient service platform for customers and a more effective management tool for merchants, a POS system is designed. It is very popular to issue points to consumers in large department stores in domestic and abroad. Consumers can gain more present or direct discount by participating in any activity by using the point card. The enterprise also can improve its marketing competition and increase the socioeconomic benefits. It is benefit for both the enterprises and consumers. In this system, my task is to realize the module of analysis commodity classification data and the module of analysis sub-shop. They both play important roles in the system. The analysis of commodity classification data file is based on other module data, and generated a valued file according to some format and require. And the analysis of sub-shop trading statistics data is of great market reference value for the business. The modules are developed by use of C# language and SQL server 2000 databases on the platform of Japanese system Windows 2000. Key words: Computer application technology; Information management systems; POS; Commodity classification; Transactions 目 录 论文总页数:30页 1 引言 1 2 系统概述 1 3 模块需求分析 1 3.1 模块功能需求 2 3.2 模块性能要求 3 3.3 模块其他需求 3 4 可行性研究 4 4.1 技术可行性 4 4.2 经济可行性 4 5 数据库及数据文件设计 4 5.1 数



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