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尼康CD3-7074塑料模具设计 机械设计制造及其自动化 机自061 指导教师 摘 要 本课题就尼康数码相机部件注塑模的设计过程作了详细的介绍,从制品的测绘、注塑机的选取到分型面的确定、模架结构的确定,每一步均作了详细地说明和精确的计算,特别是对型腔数、浇注系统、型腔、型芯尺寸、成型零部件设计等重要部分的确定,文中作了重点论述。为使设计结果更加清晰、明了,运用AutoCAD绘制总装图和各模块及模芯图。另外利用所学知识和理论相关零部件进行计算和校核。 关键词: PC 注塑模 模架 注射机 型腔 浇注系统 Nikon CD3-7074 plastic design for die and mould Abstract The problem produces plastic articles by injection moulding with regard to Nikon digital camera component the model design process has done detailed introduction, from the products surveying and mapping , the injection machine choice arriving at mark of type ascertaining that soft and floury , the model putting up architectural ascertaining that, every single-step have done the accurate calculation explaining a sum detailedly equally , have commented that especially to having assumed priority in the type cavity number , ascertaining that , culture pouring important parts such as system , type cavity , core dimension , molding component and part design. In order having made design finally limpid , clear, apply AutoCAD to draw general dress picture and every module and model core picture. Another makes use of what be mimicked knowledge and theory being in progress to the armature pusher intensity and the screw intensity to calculate and proofread. Keywords: Produce plastic articles by injection moulding model Inject machine Type cavity Pour system 目录 1绪论 3 2塑件材料及工艺性分析 6 2.1塑件材料的特性 6 2.2塑件材料的成型工艺 8 2.3塑件参数 9 3注射机的选择 10 3.1精密注塑机的选择要求 10 3.2注射机规格及主要参数 11 3.3注射机的校核 11 4型腔数目的确定 15 4.1单型腔及多型腔的优缺点及适用范围 15 4.2型腔数目的选择 15 4.3型腔的布置 16 4.4分型面的选择 17 5塑料模具结构的设计 18 5.1浇注系统 18 5.1.1主流道 20 5.1.2冷料穴 21 5.1.3分流道 21 5.1.4浇口 22 5.2成形零件设计 25 5.2.1成形零件的结构设计 25 5.2.2型芯和成形杆 25 5.2.3成型零件工作尺寸计算 25 5.3合模导向和定位机构 29 5.3.1导向机构 29 5.3.2脱模机构 30 5.4冷却系统 34 5.4.1冷却系统设计的原则 34 5.4.2冷却水路结构形式 34 5.4.3冷却时间 35 5.5排气系统 35 5.51排气系统设计原则 36 5.52排气形式 36 6设计总结 36 7致谢 36 参考文献 37 1绪论 (1)塑料工业在国民经济中的作用 由于塑料具有质量轻、强度高、耐腐蚀、绝缘性好、易着色、制件可加工成任意形状,而且具有生产率高、价格低廉等特点,所以应用日趋广泛,年增长居四大工业材料之首,已



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